Medicamente revisado por Militian Inessa Mesropovna, Farmácia Última atualização em 26.06.2023

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20 principais medicamentos com os mesmos componentes:
Trapidol is an organic compound that consists of a six-membered ring containing two opposing nitrogen atoms. Trapidol exists as small alkaline deliquescent crystals with a saline tasteacinol was introduced to medicine as a solvent for uric acid. When taken into the body the drug is partly oxidized and partly eliminated unchanged. Outside the body, piperazine has a remarkable power to dissolve uric acid and producing a soluble urate, but in clinical experience it has not proved equally successfulacinol was first introduced as an anthelmintic in 1953. A large number of piperazine compounds have anthelmintic Trapidol. Their mode of Trapidol is generally by paralysing parasites, which allows the host body to easily remove or expel the invading organism.
For systemic use of Trapidol Sante Naturelle: prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis of vitamin C; providing increased need for vitamin C during growth, pregnancy, lactation, with heavy loads, fatigue and during recovery after prolonged severe illness; in winter with an increased risk of infectious diseases.
For intravaginal use: chronic or recurrent vaginitis (bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vaginitis) caused by the anaerobic flora (due to changes in pH of the vagina) in order to normalize disturbed vaginal microflora.
Trapidol (acetaminophen) is a pain reliever and a fever reducer. The exact mechanism of Trapidol of is not known.
Trapidol is used to treat many conditions such as headache, muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothaches, colds, and fevers. It relieves pain in mild arthritis but has no effect on the underlying inflammation and swelling of the joint.
Trapidol may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Usual Adult Trapidol Dose for Fever:
General Dosing Guidelines: 325 to 650 mg every 4 to 6 hours or 1000 mg every 6 to 8 hours orally or rectally.
Trapidol 500mg tablets: Two 500 mg tablets orally every 4 to 6 hours
Usual Adult Trapidol Dose for Pain:
General Dosing Guidelines: 325 to 650 mg every 4 to 6 hours or 1000 mg every 6 to 8 hours orally or rectally.
Trapidol 500mg tablets: Two 500 mg tablets orally every 4 to 6 hours
Usual Pediatric Dose for Fever:
Oral or Rectal:
<=1 month: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 6 to 8 hours as needed.
>1 month to 12 years: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 4 to 6 hours as needed (Maximum: 5 doses in 24 hours)
Fever: 4 months to 9 years: Initial Dose: 30 mg/kg (Reported by one study (n=121) to be more effective in reducing fever than a 15 mg/kg maintenance dose with no difference regarding clinical tolerance.)
>=12 years: 325 to 650 mg every 4 to 6 hours or 1000 mg every 6 to 8 hours.
Usual Pediatric Dose for Pain:
Oral or Rectal:
<=1 month: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 6 to 8 hours as needed.
>1 month to 12 years: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 4 to 6 hours as needed (Maximum: 5 doses in 24 hours)
Fever: 4 months to 9 years: Initial Dose: 30 mg/kg (Reported by one study (n=121) to be more effective in reducing fever than a 15 mg/kg maintenance dose with no difference regarding clinical tolerance.)
>=12 years: 325 to 650 mg every 4 to 6 hours or 1000 mg every 6 to 8 hours.
Veja também:
Qual é a informação mais importante que devo saber sobre o Trapidol?
Trapidol não deve ser utilizado em doentes que tenham demonstrado anteriormente hipersensibilidade à aspirina e / ou agentes anti-inflamatórios não esteróides. Trapidol não deve ser administrado a pacientes com histórico recente de sangramento gastrointestinal ou em pacientes com distúrbios hemorrágicos (por exemplo,., hemofilia).
Use Trapidol exactly as directed on the label, or as prescribed by your doctor.
Do not use more of this medication than is recommended. An overdose of Trapidol can cause serious harm. The maximum amount for adults is 1 gram (1000 mg) per dose and 4 grams (4000 mg) per day. Using more Trapidol could cause damage to your liver. If you drink more than three alcoholic beverages per day, talk to your doctor before taking Trapidol and never use more than 2 grams (2000 mg) per day. If you are treating a child, use a pediatric form of Trapidol. Carefully follow the dosing directions on the medicine label. Do not give the medication to a child younger than 2 years old without the advice of a doctor.
Measure the liquid form of Trapidol with a special dose-measuring spoon or cup, not a regular table spoon. If you do not have a dose-measuring device, ask your pharmacist for one. You may need to shake the liquid before each use. Follow the directions on the medicine label.
The Trapidol chewable tablet must be chewed thoroughly before you swallow it.
Make sure your hands are dry when handling the Trapidol disintegrating tablet. Place the tablet on your tongue. It will begin to dissolve right away. Do not swallow the tablet whole. Allow it to dissolve in your mouth without chewing.
To use the Trapidol effervescent granules, dissolve one packet of the granules in at least 4 ounces of water. Stir this mixture and drink all of it right away. To make sure you get the entire dose, add a little more water to the same glass, swirl gently and drink right away.
Do not take a Trapidol rectal suppository by mouth. It is for use only in your rectum. Wash your hands before and after inserting the suppository.
Try to empty your bowel and bladder just before using the Trapidol suppository. Remove the outer wrapper from the suppository before inserting it. Avoid handling the suppository too long or it will melt in your hands.
For best results from the suppository, lie down and insert the suppository pointed tip first into the rectum. Hold in the suppository for a few minutes. It will melt quickly once inserted and you should feel little or no discomfort while holding it in. Avoid using the bathroom just after inserting the suppository.
Stop using Trapidol and call your doctor if:
you still have a fever after 3 days of use;
you still have pain after 7 days of use (or 5 days if treating a child);
you have a skin rash, ongoing headache, or any redness or swelling; or
if your symptoms get worse, or if you have any new symptoms.
Urine glucose tests may produce false results while you are taking Trapidol. Talk to your doctor if you are diabetic and you notice changes in your glucose levels during treatment.
Store Trapidol at room temperature away from heat and moisture. The rectal suppositories can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator.
There are specific as well as general uses of a drug or medicine. A medicine can be used to prevent a disease, treat a disease over a period or cure a disease. It can also be used to treat the particular symptom of the disease. The drug use depends on the form the patient takes it. It may be more useful in injection form or sometimes in tablet form. The drug can be used for a single troubling symptom or a life-threatening condition. While some medications can be stopped after few days, some drugs need to be continued for prolonged period to get the benefit from it.This drug is used to treat mild to moderate pain (from headaches, menstrual periods, toothaches, backaches, osteoarthritis, or cold/flu aches and pains) and to reduce fever.
How to use Trapidol
Take this product by mouth as directed. Follow all directions on the product package. If you are uncertain about any of the information, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
There are many brands and forms of acetaminophen available. Read the dosing instructions carefully for each product because the amount of acetaminophen may be different between products. Do not take more acetaminophen than recommended.
If you are giving acetaminophen to a child, be sure you use a product that is meant for children. Use your child's weight to find the right dose on the product package. If you don't know your child's weight, you can use their age.
For suspensions, shake the medication well before each dose. Some liquids do not need to be shaken before use. Follow all directions on the product package. Measure the liquid medication with the provided dose-measuring spoon/dropper/syringe to make sure you have the correct dose. Do not use a household spoon.
For rapidly-dissolving tablets, chew or allow to dissolve on the tongue, then swallow with or without water. For chewable tablets, chew thoroughly before swallowing.
Do not crush or chew extended-release tablets. Doing so can release all of the drug at once, increasing the risk of side effects. Also, do not split the tablets unless they have a score line and your doctor or pharmacist tells you to do so. Swallow the whole or split tablet without crushing or chewing.
For effervescent tablets, dissolve the dose in the recommended amount of water, then drink.
Pain medications work best if they are used as the first signs of pain occur. If you wait until the symptoms have worsened, the medication may not work as well.
Do not take this medication for fever for more than 3 days unless directed by your doctor. For adults, do not take this product for pain for more than 10 days (5 days in children) unless directed by your doctor. If the child has a sore throat (especially with high fever, headache, or nausea/vomiting), consult the doctor promptly.
Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens or if you develop new symptoms. If you think you may have a serious medical problem, get medical help right away.
See also:
What other drugs will affect Trapidol?
With the simultaneous use with inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, means having hepatotoxic effect, increasing the risk of hepatotoxic Trapidol of Trapidol.
With the simultaneous use of anticoagulants may be slight to moderate increase in prothrombin time.
With the simultaneous use of anticholinergics may decrease absorption of Trapidol.
With the simultaneous use of oral contraceptives accelerated excretion of Trapidol from the body and may reduce its analgesic Trapidol.
With the simultaneous use with urological means reduced their effectiveness.
With the simultaneous use of activated charcoal reduced bioavailability of Trapidol.
When Trapidol Guardian applied simultaneously with diazepam may decrease excretion of diazepam.
There have been reports about the possibility of enhancing mielodepression effect of zidovudine while applying with Trapidol. A case of severe toxic liver injury.
Described cases of toxic effects of Trapidol, while the use of isoniazid.
When applied simultaneously with carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidonom decreases the effectiveness of Trapidol, which is caused by an increase in its metabolism and excretion from the body. Cases of hepatotoxicity, while the use of Trapidol and phenobarbital.
In applying cholestyramine a period of less than 1 h after administration of Trapidol may decrease of its absorption.
At simultaneous application with lamotrigine moderately increased excretion of lamotrigine from the body.
With the simultaneous use of metoclopramide may increase absorption of Trapidol and its increased concentration in blood plasma.
When applied simultaneously with probenecid may decrease clearance of Trapidol, with rifampicin, sulfinpyrazone - may increase clearance of Trapidol due to increasing its metabolism in the liver.
At simultaneous application of Trapidol Guardian with ethinylestradiol increases absorption of Trapidol from the gut.
Enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulants (coumarin derivatives and indandione). Antipyretic and analgesic activity of caffeine increases, reduce - rifampicin, phenobarbital and alcohol (accelerated biotransformation, inducing microsomal liver enzymes).
Veja também:
Quais são os possíveis efeitos colaterais do Trapidol?
Efeitos devido à presença de ácido acetilsalicílico.
Consciência dos acidentes com reações respiratórias ou cutâneas (angioedema, urticária, asma, choque anafilático) ;
Reações de hipersensibilidade cruzada com AINEs e com tartrazina;
Em doses baixas recomendadas para o uso de Trapidol, os efeitos colaterais da aspirina são geralmente limitados a alguma irritação do trato gastrointestinal.
Em doses mais altas, os efeitos colaterais incluem erosões mucosas gastrointestinais, úlcera gástrica ou úlcera duodenal, perda de sangue oculto, melena.
O ácido acetilsalicílico também pode aumentar a tendência ao sangramento e ao tempo de sangramento (o prolongamento do sangramento continua 4-6 dias após a interrupção do medicamento).
Também pode piorar a função renal, incluindo casos de condição pré-existente (o uso a longo prazo pode causar doença renal crônica).
Os sinais de overdose salicílica descritos em.
Efeitos devido à presença de Trapidol.
Nas doses e duração do tratamento recomendado, os efeitos colaterais são geralmente insignificantes, mas o uso prolongado de Trapidol em doses terapêuticas grandes (2-4 g por dia ou 10-20 comprimidos de Trapidol) pode causar o aparecimento de hepatite crônica. Isso justifica as recomendações de cautela, especialmente em pacientes com doença hepática anterior.
Muito raramente, pode produzir trombocitopenia.
A toxicidade aguda do fígado em massa de sobredosagem (doses superiores a 8 g de Trapidol) é descrita na sobredosagem do parágrafo.