Sources Database
All information for is painstakingly collected from open sources. Specially trained
pharmacist (Currently working in a pharmacy as a pharmacist)
take part in the search and examine of all income data. Information is collected from regional
forums, local official directories and local pharmacy sites.
Database regularly reviewed and examined by our algorithm.
Since the main purpose of the site is to provide travelers, expatriates and ordinary tourists with an opportunity to find their own medicines in foreign pharmacies, the information was mostly collected from traveler forums.
Sources are not listed, since the information collected is public, and sources are in the hundreds. Information (drug name, composition and presence in a particular country) is checked and often modified (for example, absolute synonyms of the composition should be reduced to a single spelling in accordance with medical reference books) for convenience of perception.
Note: is not an online pharmacy or medical encyclopedia. We provide reference information about equivalents and analogues of drugs. All information was taken from public sources, therefore, even despite the checks of our specialists, does not guarantee reliability!
Important: does NOT provide medical advice, diagnostic services or treatment recommendations. Check with your doctor, pharmacist, or other health care provider.
If you have any questions to or you are the copyright holder or representative of the pharmacological company and you have comments on any subject, be sure to contact the administration through the contact form!
Updated: January 27, 2021