Militian Inessa Mesropovna 、薬局による医学的評価、 最終更新日:26.06.2023

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-重度の心不全(NYHA III-IV)。
子供は小児科医の指導の下でのみ治療されるべきです。. 利用可能な小児データは限られています。
子供は小児科医の指導の下でのみ治療されるべきです。. 利用可能な小児データは限られています。.

The dosage should be determined individually depending on the condition and the degree of diuresis required. Dosage up to100 mg daily may be administered as a single dose or in divided doses.
Oedema associated with congestive heart failure
For management of oedema an initial daily dose of 100 mg of Macacy-A administered in either single or divided doses is recommended, but may range from 25 to 200 mg daily. Maintenance dose should be individually determined.
Severe heart failure (NYHA Class III-IV)
Treatment in conjunction with standard therapy should be initiated at a dose of Macacy-A 25 mg once daily if serum potassium is ≤ 5.0 mEq/L and serum creatinine is ≤ 2.5 mg/dL (221 µmol/L).
Resistent Hypertension
The starting dose for Macacy-A should be 25mg daily in a single dose; the lowest effective dose should be found, very gradually titrating upwards to a dose of 100mg daily or more.
Nephrotic syndrome
Usual dose is 100-200mg/day. Macacy-A has not been shown to be anti-inflammatory, nor to affect the basic pathological process. Its use is only advised if glucocorticoids by themselves are insufficiently effective.
Hepatic cirrhosis with ascites and oedema
The starting dose is 100-200 mg per day, e.g. based on Na+/K+ ratio. If the response to 200 mg Macacy-A within the first two weeks is not sufficient, furosemide is added and if necessary, the Macacy-A dose is increased stepwise up to 400 mg per day. Maintenance dosage should be individually determined.
Diagnosis and treatment of primary aldosteronism
If primary hyperaldosteronism is suspected, Macacy-A is given at a dose of 100 - 150 mg, or up to 400 mg daily. In the event of rapid onset of a strong diuretic and antihypertensive effect, this is a clear indication of elevated aldosterone production. In this case, 100 - 150 mg daily is administered for 3 - 5 weeks prior to surgery. If surgery is not an option, this dose is often sufficient to maintain blood pressure and potassium concentration at normal levels. In exceptional cases, higher doses are necessary, but the lowest possible dosage should be found.
Paediatric population
Initial daily dosage should provide 1-3 mg of Macacy-A per kilogram body weight, given in divided doses. Dosage should be adjusted on the basis of response and tolerance. The tablet may be ground or crushed and then suspended in water to make it easier to take.
Children should only be treated under guidance of a paediatric specialist. There is limited paediatric data available.
The Elderly
It is recommended that treatment is started at the lowest possible dose, then titrated with higher doses until the optimum effect is achieved. Caution is required, in particular in renal dysfunction.
Method of administration
The tablets should be taken with meals. Daily dosages in excess of 100 mg should be given in several divided doses.
Congestive cardiac failure with oedema
For management of oedema an initial daily dose of 100 mg of spironolactone administered in either single or divided doses is recommended, but may range from 25 mg to 200 mg daily. Maintenance dose should be individually determined.
Severe heart failure (New York Heart Association Class III-IV)
<), treatment in conjunction with standard therapy should be initiated at a dose of spironolactone 25 mg once daily if serum potassium is ≤5.0 mEq/L and serum creatinine is ≤2.5 mg/dL.Hepatic cirrhosis with ascites and oedema
If urinary Na+/K+ ratio is greater than 1.0, 100 mg/day. If the ratio is less than 1.0, 200 mg/day to 400 mg/day. Maintenance dosage should be individually determined.
Malignant ascites
Initial dose usually 100 mg/day to 200 mg/day. In severe cases the dosage may be gradually increased up to 400 mg/day. When oedema is controlled, maintenance dosage should be individually determined.
Nephrotic syndrome
Usual dose 100 mg/day to 200 mg/day. Spironolactone has not been shown to be anti-inflammatory, or to affect the basic pathological process. Its use is only advised if glucocorticoids by themselves are insufficiently effective.
Diagnosis and treatment of primary aldosteronism
Aldactone may be employed as an initial diagnostic measure to provide presumptive evidence of primary hyperaldosteronism while patients are on normal diets.
Long test: Aldactone is administered at a daily dosage of 400 mg for 3 to 4 weeks. Correction of hypokalaemia and hypertension provides presumptive evidence for the diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism.
Short test: Aldactone is administered at a daily dosage of 400 mg for 4 days. If serum potassium increases during Aldactone administration but drops when Aldactone is discontinued, a presumptive diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism should be considered.
After the diagnosis of hyperaldosteronism has been established by more definitive testing procedures, Aldactone may be administered at doses of 100 mg to 400 mg daily in preparation for surgery. For patients who are considered unsuitable for surgery, Aldactone may be employed for long-term maintenance therapy at the lowest effective dosage determined for the individual patient.
It is recommended that treatment is started with the lowest dose and titrated upwards as required to achieve maximum benefit. Care should be taken with severe hepatic and renal impairment which may alter drug metabolism and excretion.
Paediatric population
Initial daily dosage should provide 1-3 mg of spironolactone per kilogram body weight given in divided doses. Dosage should be adjusted on the basis of response and tolerance.
Children should only be treated under guidance of a paediatric specialist. There is limited paediatric data available.
Method of administration
Administration of Aldactone once daily with a meal is recommended.

-重度の腎不全(eGFR <30 mL /分/ 1.73 m。2)、急性または進行性の腎疾患(これが無尿を伴うかどうかにかかわらず)。
-開始時の高カリウム血症(血清カリウムレベル> 5.0 mmol / L)。
Macacy-Aは、中等度から重度の腎機能障害のある小児患者には禁 ⁇ です。.
スピロノラクトンは、以下の成人および小児患者には禁 ⁇ です。
スピロノラクトンは、中等度から重度の腎機能障害のある小児患者には禁 ⁇ です。.

Macacy-Aによる長期治療中は、特に高齢患者では、体液と電解質の状態を定期的に監視する必要があります。. 血漿カリウム濃度が上昇し、重度の腎不全で禁 ⁇ である場合、Macacy-Aの投与は推奨されません。Macacy-Aによる治療中に、重度の高カリウム血症が発生する可能性があり、重度の腎機能障害のある患者では心停止(時には致命的)を引き起こす可能性がありますカリウムサプリメントの併用治療を受けている人。.
高カリウム血症は、感覚異常、脱力感、軽度の麻痺または筋肉のけいれんを伴う可能性があり、臨床的に低カリウム血症と区別することは困難です。. ECGの変化は、カリウムバランスの乱れの最初の兆候である可能性がありますが、高カリウム血症は、異常なECGを常に伴うわけではありません。
トリアムテレンやアミロリドなどの強力なカリウム節約利尿薬との併用は、高カリウム血症を防ぐために禁 ⁇ であり、余分なカリウムの投与を避けるように注意する必要があります。
カリウム濃度は、糖尿病性微量アルブミン尿症を含む腎機能障害のある患者では定期的に監視する必要があります。. 高カリウム血症のリスクは、腎機能の低下とともに増加します。. したがって、これらの患者は注意して治療されるべきです。.
肝性 ⁇ 睡のリスクがあるため、肝障害のある患者には注意が必要です。.
動物実験では、高用量で長期使用した後、Macacy-Aが腫瘍を誘発することが示されています。. 臨床応用におけるこれらのデータの重要性は不明です。. ただし、若い患者でMacacy-Aを長期間使用する前に、治療の利点を長期的な危害と比較検討する必要があります。.
この薬には乳糖が含まれています。. ガラクトース不耐症、ラップラクターゼ欠乏症、またはグルコース-ガラクトース吸収不良のまれな遺伝性の問題がある患者は、この薬を服用しないでください。.
高カリウム血症は、腎機能障害または過度のカリウム摂取の患者で発生する可能性があり、致命的な心臓の不規則性を引き起こす可能性があります。. 高カリウム血症が発生した場合、アルダクトンを中止し、必要に応じて、血清カリウムを正常に減らすために積極的な対策を講じる必要があります。.
アルダクトンと他のカリウム節約利尿薬の併用。, アンジオテンシン変換酵素。 (ACE。) 阻害剤。, 非ステロイド性抗炎症薬。, アンジオテンシンII ⁇ 抗薬。, アルドステロンブロッカー。, ヘパリン。, 低分子量ヘパリン、または高カリウム血症を引き起こすことが知られている他の薬物または状態。, カリウムサプリメント。, カリウムまたはカリウムを含む塩代替物が豊富な食事。, 重度の高カリウム血症を引き起こす可能性があります。.
高カリウム血症は致命的となる可能性があります。. スピロノラクトンを投与されている重度の心不全患者の血清カリウムを監視および管理することが重要です。. 他のカリウム節約利尿薬の使用は避けてください。. 血清カリウムが3.5 mEq / Lを超える患者では、経口カリウムサプリメントの使用は避けてください。カリウムとクレアチニンの推奨モニタリングは、スピロノラクトンの開始または増量の1週間後、最初の3か月間は毎月、その後は1年間、その後は6か月ごとです。. 血清カリウム> 5 mEq / Lまたは血清クレアチニン> 4 mg / dLの治療を中止または中断します。

運転能力に関するデータはありません。. めまい、混乱、頭痛などの望ましくない影響が発生することがあります。. これらの望ましくない影響が発生する可能性は、機械を運転または使用するときに考慮に入れられるべきです。.
一部の患者では傾眠とめまいが発生すると報告されています。. 機械を運転または操作するときは、初期処理に対する反応が決定されるまで注意が必要です。.

The undesirable effects are dependent on dose and duration of treatment.
The most common adverse effects are hyperkalaemia (9%), disorders of the reproductive system and breasts, including gynaecomastia, reported in 13% of patients (at a dose of less than 100 mg).)
Common: hyponatraemia (in particular during combined intensive therapy with thiazide diuretics), hyperkalaemia in (1) patients with severe renal dysfunction, (2) patients receiving treatment with ACE inhibitors or potassium chloride, (3) the elderly, and (4) diabetic patients
Uncommon: acidity of the blood (acidosis) in patients with liver problems
Rare: insufficient fluid in the tissues (dehydration), porphyria, temporary increase in nitrogen levels in the blood and urine, hyperuricemia (may lead to gout in predisposed patients)
Not known: reversible hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis - usually accompanied by hyperkalaemia has been reported in some patients with decompensated hepatic cirrhosis, even where renal function was normal.
Psychiatric disorders
Uncommon: confusion
Nervous system disorders
Very common: headache
Common: weakness, lethargy in patients with cirrhosis, tingling (paraesthesia)
Rare: paralysis, paraplegia of the limbs due to hyperkalaemia
Not known: dizziness, ataxia
Vascular disorders
Very rare: inflammation of the vessel walls (vasculitis)
Not known: mild hypotension
Gastrointestinal disorders
Very common: indigestion, diarrhoea
Common: nausea and vomiting
Very rare: gastric inflammation, gastric ulcers, intestinal haemorrhage, cramps
Hepatobiliary disorders
Very rare: hepatitis
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
Uncommon: skin rash, urticaria, erythema, chloasma, pruritus, exanthema
Very rare: alopecia, eczema, erythema annulare centrifugum (EAC), hypertrichosis
Not known: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), Pemihigoid
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Uncommon: muscle spasms, leg cramps
Very rare: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Osteomalacia
Renal and urinary disorders
Uncommon: elevated serum creatinine levels
Very rare: acute renal failure
Reproductive system and breast disorders
Very common: Men: reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, impotence, enlargement of the mammary glands (gynaecomastia);
Women: breast disorders, tenderness of the breasts, menstrual disorders, deepening of the voice (in many cases irreversible)
Common: Women: changes in vaginal secretions, reduced libido, absence of periods (amenorrhoea), post-menopausal bleeding
General disorders and administration site conditions
Very common: fatigue, drowsiness
common: malaise
Reporting of suspected adverse reactions
Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via
Yellow Card Scheme
Website: www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard.
Gynaecomastia may develop in association with the use of spironolactone. Development appears to be related to both dosage level and duration of therapy and is normally reversible when the drug is discontinued. In rare instances some breast enlargement may persist.
The following adverse events have been reported in association with spironolactone therapy:
General disorders and administration site conditions: malaise
Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (including cysts and polyps): benign breast neoplasm
Gastrointestinal disorders: gastrointestinal disturbances, nausea
Blood and lymphatic system disorders: leukopenia (including agranulocytosis), thrombocytopenia
Hepatobiliary disorders: hepatic function abnormal
Metabolism and nutrition disorders: electrolyte disturbances, hyperkalaemia
Musculoskeletal disorders: leg cramps
Nervous system disorders: dizziness
Psychiatric disorders: changes in libido, confusion
Reproductive system and breast disorders: menstrual disorders, breast pain
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), alopecia, hypertrichosis, pruritus, rash, urticaria, pemphigoid
Renal and urinary disorders: acute renal failure
Reporting of suspected adverse reactions
Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product.
Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the Yellow Card Scheme at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store.

Overdose can manifest itself in the form of nausea and vomiting, and (more rarely) by drowsiness, confusion, skin rash or diarrhoea.
In addition, infertility can occur at very high doses (450 mg/day).
Hyponatraemia, or hyperkalaemia may be induced , but these effects are unlikely to be associated with acute overdosage. Symptoms of hyperkalaemia may manifest as paraesthesia, weakness, flaccid paralysis or muscle spasm and may be difficult to distinguish clinically from hypokalaemia. Electrocardiographic changes are the earliest specific signs of potassium disturbances. No specific antidote has been identified. Improvement may be expected after withdrawal of the drug.
If electrolyte balance disturbance and dehydration occur,treatment is symptomatic and supportive and may include replacement of fluids and electrolytes may be indicated. For hyperkalaemia, reduce potassium intake, administer potassium-excreting diuretics, intravenous glucose with regular insulin or oral ion-exchange resins.
Acute overdosage may be manifested by drowsiness, mental confusion, nausea, vomiting, dizziness or diarrhoea. Hyponatraemia, or hyperkalaemia may be induced, but these effects are unlikely to be associated with acute overdosage. Symptoms of hyperkalaemia may manifest as paraesthesia, weakness, flaccid paralysis or muscle spasm and may be difficult to distinguish clinically from hypokalaemia. Electrocardiographic changes are the earliest specific signs of potassium disturbances. No specific antidote has been identified. Improvement may be expected after withdrawal of the drug. General supportive measures including replacement of fluids and electrolytes may be indicated. For hyperkalaemia, reduce potassium intake, administer potassium-excreting diuretics, intravenous glucose with regular insulin or oral ion-exchange resins.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: cardiovascular system, diuretics, potassium-sparing diuretics, aldosterone antagonist.
ATC code: C03DA01
Macacy-A affects the kidney and the adrenal gland (as an antagonist of aldosterone in the renal tubuli and an inhibitor of aldosterone synthesis in high concentrations).
Macacy-A promotes diuresis in patients with oedema or ascites by increasing excretion of sodium in the urine. Potassium loss caused by thiazide diuretics is reduced. It has a gradual and prolonged action.
The antihypertensive effect of Macacy-A is based on water and salt depletion.
Severe heart failure: RALES
The Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study (RALES) was a multinational, double-blind study in 1663 patients with an ejection fraction of ≤ 35%, a history of New York Heart Association (NYHA) class IV heart failure within 6 months, and class III-IV heart failure at the time of randomisation. All patients were taking a loop diuretic, 97% were taking an ACE inhibitor and 78% were on digoxin (at the time this trial was conducted, beta-blockers were not widely used to treat heart failure and only 15% were treated with a beta-blocker). Patients with a baseline serum creatinine of >2.5 mg/dL or a recent increase of 25% or with a baseline serum potassium of >5.0 mEq/L were excluded. Patients were randomized 1:1 to Macacy-A 25 mg orally once daily or matching placebo. Patients who tolerated 25 mg once daily had their dose increased to 50 mg once daily as clinically indicated. Patients who did not tolerate 25 mg once daily had their dosage reduced to 25 mg every other day. The primary endpoint for RALES was time to all-cause mortality. RALES was terminated early, after a mean follow-up of 24 months, because of a significant mortality benefit detected on a planned interim analysis. Macacy-A reduced the risk of death compared to placebo (mortality Macacy-A 284/841 (35%); placebo 386/822 (46%); Risk reduction 30% ; 95% confidence interval 18% to 40%; p<0.001). Macacy-A also significantly reduced the risk of cardiac death, primarily sudden death and death from progressive heart failure as well as the risk of hospitalization for cardiac causes.
Paediatric population
There is a lack of substantive information from clinical studies on Macacy-A in children. This is a result of several factors: the few trials that have been performed in the paediatric population, the use of Macacy-A in combination with other agents, the small numbers of patients evaluated in each trial and the different indications studied. The dosage recommendations for paediatrics are based upon clinical experience and case studies documented in scientific literature.
Pharmacotherapeutic group: potassium-sparing agents, ATC code C03DA01
Mechanism of action
Spironolactone, as a competitive aldosterone antagonist, increases sodium excretion whilst reducing potassium loss at the distal renal tubule. It has a gradual and prolonged action.
Clinical efficacy and safety
Severe Heart Failure
RALES was a multinational, double-blind study in 1663 patients with an ejection fraction of ≤35%, a history of NYHA Class IV heart failure within 6 months, and Class III-IV heart failure at the time of randomization. All patients were taking a loop diuretic, 97% were taking an ACE inhibitor and 78% were on digoxin (at the time this trial was conducted, b-blockers were not widely used to treat heart failure and only 15% were treated with a b-blocker). Patients with a baseline serum creatinine of >2.5 mg/dL or a recent increase of 25% or with a baseline serum potassium of >5.0 mEq/L were excluded. Patients were randomized 1:1 to spironolactone 25 mg orally once daily or matching placebo. Patients who tolerated 25 mg once daily had their dose increased to 50 mg once daily as clinically indicated. Patients who did not tolerate 25 mg once daily had their dosage reduced to 25 mg every other day. The primary endpoint for RALES was time to all-cause mortality. RALES was terminated early, after a mean follow-up of 24 months, because of significant mortality benefit detected on a planned interim analysis. Spironolactone reduced the risk of death by 30% compared to placebo (p<0.001; 95% confidence interval 18% - 40%). Spironolactone also significantly reduced the risk of cardiac death, primarily sudden death and death from progressive heart failure as well as the risk of hospitalization for cardiac causes. Changes in NYHA class were more favourable with spironolactone. Gynaecomastia or breast pain was reported in 10% of men who were treated with spironolactone, as compared with 1% of men in the placebo group (p<0.001). The incidence of serious hyperkalaemia was low in both groups of patients.
Paediatric population
There is a lack of substantive information from clinical studies on spironolactone in children. This is a result of several factors: the few trials that have been performed in the paediatric population, the use of spironolactone in combination with other agents, the small numbers of patients evaluated in each trial and the different indications studied. The dosage recommendations for paediatrics are based upon clinical experience and case studies documented in the scientific literature.

Macacy-Aの約70%は経口投与後に吸収されます。. Macacy-Aのバイオアベイラビリティは、食物と一緒に摂取すると増加する可能性があります。. ただし、この効果の臨床的関連性は完全には明らかではありません。. 非空腹の健康なボランティアに毎日100 mgのマカシーAを15日間投与した後、ピーク血漿濃度(tmax)、ピーク血漿濃度(Cmax)、およびマカシーの消失半減期(t1 / 2) Aは2.6時間です。.、80ng / ml、約1.4時間。.、それぞれ。. 7-アルファ-(チオメチル)Macacy-Aおよびカンレノン代謝産物の場合、tmaxは3.2時間でした。. および4.3時間。.、Cmaxは391 ng / mlおよび181 ng / ml、t1 / 2は13.8時間でした。. それぞれ16.5時間。.
マカシーAの血漿半減期は約1.5時間、7-チオメチル-マカシーAの血漿半減期は約9〜12時間、カンレノンの血漿半減期は10〜35時間です。. 代謝産物の排除は、主に尿で発生し、次に ⁇ 便中の胆 ⁇ 排 ⁇ によって発生します。. Macacy-Aの単回投与の腎作用は7時間後にピークに達し、活性は少なくとも24時間持続します。
小児集団での使用に関して利用可能な薬物動態データはありません。. 小児科の推奨投与量は、科学文献に記録された臨床経験とケーススタディに基づいています。.
スピロノラクトンは経口でよく吸収され、主に活性代謝物(硫黄含有代謝物(80%)と部分的にカンレノン(20%))に代謝されます。. スピロノラクトン自体の血漿半減期は短いですが(1.3時間)、活性代謝物の半減期は長くなります(2.8〜11.2時間の範囲)。. 代謝産物の排除は、主に尿で発生し、次に ⁇ 便中の胆 ⁇ 排 ⁇ によって発生します。.
非空腹の健康なボランティアに毎日100 mgのスピロノラクトンを15日間投与した後、血漿濃度をピークにするまでの時間(t。マックス。)、ピーク血漿濃度(Cマックス。)、および消失半減期(t。1/2。)スピロノラクトンの場合、2.6時間です。.、80 ng / ml、約1.4時間。.、それぞれ。. 7-アルファ-(チオメチル)スピロノラクトンとカンレノン代謝物については、t。マックス。 3.2時間でした。. および4.3時間。.、Cマックス。 391 ng / mlおよび181 ng / ml、およびtでした。1/2。 13.8時間でした。. および16.5時間。.、それぞれ。.
小児集団での使用に関して利用可能な薬物動態データはありません。. 小児科の推奨投与量は、科学文献に記録された臨床経験とケーススタディに基づいています。.

Macacy-Aは、長期間にわたって高用量で投与した場合、ラットで腫瘍原性であることが示されています。. 臨床使用に関するこれらの所見の重要性は知られていない。.
生殖毒性に関する研究では、先天性異常のリスクの増加は示されていませんが、ラットの子孫における抗アンドロゲン効果は、男性の生殖器の発達に対する起こり得る悪影響について懸念を引き起こしています。. これらの起こり得る悪影響についての人間の確認はありません。.
スピロノラクトンは、長期間にわたって高用量で投与すると、ラットに腫瘍を生成することが示されています。. 臨床使用に関するこれらの所見の重要性は確かではありません。. ただし、若い患者でスピロノラクトンを長期間使用するには、関連する利点と潜在的な危険を注意深く考慮する必要があります。. スピロノラクトンまたはその代謝産物は胎盤関門を通過する可能性があります。. スピロノラクトンでは、雌雄ラットの胎児で女性化が観察されています。. 妊娠中の女性にアルダクトンを使用するには、予想される利益を、母親と胎児への起こり得る危険と比較検討する必要があります。.


However, we will provide data for each active ingredient