Oliinyk Elizabeth Ivanovna 、薬局による医学的評価、 最終更新日:26.06.2023

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Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®(Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets hydrochloride)は、成人の中程度から中程度の激しい痛みの管理に使用されます。.
老年医学(> 65歳)。
Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤を投与された65〜75歳の健康な高齢者被験者は、血漿濃度と排 ⁇ 半減期が65歳未満の健康な被験者で観察されたものに匹敵します。. Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®は、この集団での有害事象の可能性が高いため、75歳以上の患者にはより注意深く投与する必要があります。.
Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®の安全性と有効性は、小児集団では研究されていません。. したがって、Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®タブレットの使用は、18歳未満の患者には推奨されません。.
Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤。 麻薬のような鎮痛剤です。.
Rybix ODT経口崩壊錠は、中等度から重度の痛みの治療に使用されます。.
Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tabletsの徐放型は、24時間体制の痛みの治療に使用されます。. この形式のRybix ODT経口崩壊錠は、必要に応じて痛みに使用するためのものではありません。.
Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤は、この投薬ガイドに記載されていない目的にも使用できます。.
Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®は、18歳以上の成人に1日1回投与することを目的とした徐放性製剤です。. カプセルは液体で丸ごと飲み込む必要があり、分割、噛み、溶解、または粉砕してはなりません。. カプセルを噛んだり、粉砕したり、分割したりすると、過剰摂取と死亡で、Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tabletが制御されずに送達される可能性があります。.
Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®を1日あたり300 mgを超える用量で投与しないでください。. Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®を1日1回以上、または他のRybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets製品と併用しないでください。.
現在Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤即時放出製品を使用していない患者。
Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®による治療を1日1回100 mgの用量で開始し、痛みの緩和と忍容性のバランスを達成するために、必要に応じて5日ごとに100 mgずつ滴定します。.
現在Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤即時放出製品を使用している患者。
24時間のRybix ODT経口分解錠剤IR用量を計算し、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤®の1日の総用量を次の最低100 mg増分に切り捨てます。. その後、患者の必要に応じて用量を個別化することができます。. Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®による用量選択の柔軟性の制限により、Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets IR製品を維持している一部の患者は、Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®に変換できない場合があります。.
高齢患者(65歳以上)の投与を開始するには、通常は投与範囲の下限から始まり、肝機能、腎機能、または心臓機能の低下と付随する疾患またはその他の薬物療法の頻度が高いことを反映して、慎重に開始する必要があります。. Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®は、この集団で見られる有害事象の頻度が高いため、75歳以上の患者にはさらに注意深く投与する必要があります。.
線量強度の限られた利用可能性とRybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®の1日1回の投与では、重度の腎機能障害のある患者での安全な使用に必要な投与の柔軟性が得られません。. クレアチニンクリアランスが30 mL / min未満の患者では、Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®を使用しないでください。.
線量強度の限られた利用可能性と、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤塩酸塩徐放カプセルの1日1回の投与は、重度の肝機能障害のある患者での安全な使用に必要な投与の柔軟性を許可しません。. 重度の肝機能障害(Child-Pugh Class C)の患者では、Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®を使用しないでください。.
Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®が突然中止された場合、離脱症状が発生する可能性があります。. Rybix ODT経口崩壊錠の臨床経験は、Rybix ODT経口崩壊錠®を ⁇ 減することにより、離脱症状が軽減される可能性があることを示唆しています。.
Rybix ODT Orally DisintegratingTablets®は、食品に関係なく服用できます。.
Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tabletsに影響を与える他の薬物。?
Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤とSSRI / SNRIまたはMAOIおよびα2アドレナリン遮断薬を使用したセロトニン症候群の市販後報告があります。. Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤を、SSRI、MAOI、トリプタン、リネゾリド(可逆非選択的MAOIである抗生物質)、リチウム、またはSt.などのセロトニン作動性神経伝達物質システムに影響を与える可能性のある他の薬物と同時投与する場合は注意が必要です。. ジョンの麦 ⁇ 。. Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤とセロトニン作動性神経伝達物質系に影響を与える薬物の併用治療が臨床的に正当化される場合、特に治療の開始時と用量の増加時に、患者の注意深い観察が推奨されます。.
Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤の作用機序とセロトニン症候群の可能性に基づいて、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤をトリプタンと同時投与する場合は注意が必要です。. Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤とトリプタンとの併用治療が臨床的に正当化される場合、特に治療の開始時と用量の増加時に、患者の注意深い観察が推奨されます。.
服用している患者。 カルバマゼピン。CYP3A4インデューサーは、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤の鎮痛効果が大幅に低下する可能性があります。. カルバマゼピンはRybix ODT経口分解錠剤の代謝を増加させ、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤に関連する発作リスクがあるため、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤とカルバマゼピンの併用投与は推奨されません。.
の同時投与。 キニジン。 Rybix ODTの経口分解錠剤を使用すると、Rybix ODTの経口分解錠剤の曝露が50〜60%増加し、M1曝露が50〜60%減少しました。. これらの発見の臨床的結果は不明です。.
Rybix ODTの市販後調査経口分解錠剤は、ジゴキシン毒性とプロトロンビン時間の上昇を含むワルファリン効果の変化のまれな報告を明らかにしました。.
他の薬物がRybix ODT経口崩壊錠に影響を与える可能性。
In vitro。 ヒト肝ミクロソームでの薬物相互作用研究は、フルオキセチン、パロキセチン、アミトリプチリンなどのCYP2D6の阻害剤との併用投与が、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤の代謝をある程度阻害する可能性があることを示しています。.
ケトコナゾールやエリスロマイシンなどのCYP3A4阻害剤、またはリファンピンやSt.などの誘導剤の投与. John's Wortは、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤とともに、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤の代謝に影響を与え、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤曝露を変化させる可能性があります。.
Rybix ODT経口崩壊錠が他の薬物に影響を与える可能性。
In vitro。 ヒト肝ミクロソームでの薬物相互作用研究は、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤がキニジン代謝に影響を及ぼさないことを示しています。. In vitroの研究では、Rybix ODT経口分解錠剤は、治療用量で併用投与された場合、CYP3A4を介した他の薬物の代謝を阻害する可能性は低いことが示されています。. Rybix ODT経口崩壊錠は、動物で測定された選択された薬物代謝経路の穏やかな誘導剤です。.
See also:
What are the possible side effects of Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets?
Adverse Drug Reaction Overview
The most commonly reported adverse reactions are dizziness, nausea, constipation, headache, somnolence and vomiting as presented in Table 1.1.
Clinical Trial Adverse Drug Reactions
Because clinical trials are conducted under very specific conditions the adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials may not reflect the rates observed in practice and should not be compared to the rates in the clinical trials of another drug. Adverse drug reaction information from clinical trials is useful for identifying drug-related adverse events and for approximating rates.
Incidence of Adverse Reactions for Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® in Chronic Trials of Non-Malignant Pain (Non-titration Trials)
Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® was administered to 550 patients during the double-blind or open-label extension periods in studies of chronic non-malignant pain. Of these patients, 375 were 65 years old or older. Table 1.1 reports the cumulative incidence rate of adverse reactions by 7, 30 and 90 days for the most frequent reactions (5% or more by 7 days). The most frequently reported events were in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal system. The overall incidence rates of adverse experiences in these trials were similar for Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® and the active control groups, acetaminophen with codeine, and aspirin with codeine; however, the rates of withdrawals due to adverse events appeared to be higher in the Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® group. In the Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets treatment groups, 16.8-24.5% of patients withdrew due to an AE, compared to 9.6-11.6% for acetaminophen with codeine and 18.5% for aspirin with codeine.
Table 1.1: Cumulative Incidence of Adverse Reactions for Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® in Chronic Trials of Non-Malignant Pain
Percentage of Patients with Adverse Reaction N = 427 | |||
Up to 7 Days | Up to 30 Days | Up to 90 Days | |
Dizziness/Vertigo | 26% | 31% | 33% |
Nausea | 24% | 34% | 40% |
Constipation | 24% | 38% | 46% |
Headache | 18% | 26% | 32% |
Somnolence | 16% | 23% | 25% |
Vomiting | 9% | 13% | 17% |
Pruritus | 8% | 10% | 11% |
“CNS Stimulation” Number of patients with adverse event; numbers shown are all events regardless of relationship to study drug. |
Incidence 1% to less than 5% possibly causally related: the following lists adverse reactions that occurred with an incidence of 1% to less than 5% in clinical trials, and for which the possibility of a causal relationship with Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® exists.
Body as a Whole: Malaise.
Cardiovascular: Vasodilation.
Central Nervous System: Anxiety, Confusion, Coordination disturbance, Euphoria, Miosis, Nervousness, Sleep disorder.
Gastrointestinal: Abdominal pain, Anorexia, Flatulence.
Musculoskeletal: Hypertonia.
Skin: Rash.
Special Senses: Visual disturbance.
Urogenital: Menopausal symptoms, Urinary frequency, Urinary retention.
Incidence less than 1%, possibly causally related: the following lists adverse reactions that occurred with an incidence of less than 1% in clinical trials and/or reported in post-marketing experience.
Body as a Whole: Accidental injury, Allergic reaction, Anaphylaxis, Death, Suicidal tendency, Weight loss, Serotonin syndrome (mental status change, hyperreflexia, fever, shivering, tremor, agitation, diaphoresis, seizures and coma).
Cardiovascular: Orthostatic hypotension, Syncope, Tachycardia.
Central Nervous System: Abnormal gait, Amnesia, Cognitive dysfunction, Depression, Difficulty in concentration, Hallucinations, Paresthesia, Seizure, Tremor.
Respiratory: Dyspnea.
Skin: Stevens-Johnson syndrome/Toxic epidermal necrolysis, Urticaria, Vesicles.
Special Senses: Dysgeusia.
Urogenital: Dysuria, Menstrual disorder.
Other adverse experiences, causal relationship unknown
A variety of other adverse events were reported infrequently in patients taking Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® during clinical trials and/or reported in post-marketing experience. A causal relationship between Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® and these events has not been determined. However, the most significant events are listed below as alerting information to the physician.
Cardiovascular: Abnormal ECG, Hypertension, Hypotension, Myocardial ischemia, Palpitations, Pulmonary edema, Pulmonary embolism.
Central Nervous System: Migraine, Speech disorders.
Gastrointestinal: Gastrointestinal bleeding, Hepatitis, Stomatitis, Liver failure.
Laboratory Abnormalities: Creatinine increase, Elevated liver enzymes, Hemoglobin decrease, Proteinuria.
Sensory: Cataracts, Deafness, Tinnitus.
Other Adverse Experiences Previously Reported in Clinical Trials or Post-Marketing Reports with Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets Hydrochloride
Adverse events which have been reported with the use of Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets products include: allergic reactions (including anaphylaxis, angioneurotic edema and urticaria), bradycardia, convulsions, drug dependence, drug withdrawal (including agitation, anxiety, gastrointestinal symptoms, hyperkinesia, insomnia, nervousness, tremors), hyperactivity, hypoactivity, hypotension, worsening of asthma and respiratory depression. Other adverse events which have been reported with the use of Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets products and for which a causal association has not been determined include: difficulty concentrating, hepatitis, liver failure, pulmonary edema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and suicidal tendency.
Serotonin syndrome (whose symptoms may include mental status change, hyperreflexia, fever, shivering, tremor, agitation, diaphoresis, seizures and coma) has been reported with Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets when used concomitantly with other serotonergic agents such as SSRIs and MAOIs. Post-marketing experience with the use of Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets-containing products included rare reports of delirium, miosis, mydriasis, and speech disorder, and very rare reports of movement disorder including dyskinesia and dystonia.
Cases of hypoglycemia have been reported in patients taking Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets, mostly in patients with pre-disposing risk factors, including diabetes, elderly and renal insufficiency. Caution should be exercised when prescribing Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets to diabetic patients. More frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels may be appropriate, including at initiation or dose increase.
Drug Abuse, Addiction And Dependence
Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets may induce psychic and physical dependence of the morphine-type (μ-opioid). Dependence and abuse, including drug-seeking behaviour and taking illicit actions to obtain the drug are not limited to those patients with a prior history of opioid dependence. The risk in patients with substance abuse has been observed to be higher. Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets is associated with craving and tolerance development.
A Risk Management program to support the safe and effective use of Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® has been established. The following are considered to be the essential components of the Risk Management program:
- Commitment to not emphasize or highlight the scheduling status of Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® (i.e., not listed under a schedule to the CDSA) in its advertising or promotional activities.
- Inclusion of a PAAB-approved fair balance statement in all Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® advertising and promotional materials.
- Assurance that health-care education activities on pain management with Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® include balanced, evidence-based and current information. Commitment to take reasonable actions to inform health-care professionals that there is Health Canada-approved patient information on benefits and risks, and to ensure that this information can be readily accessed through electronic and/or hard copy sources.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawal symptoms may occur if Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® is discontinued abruptly. These symptoms may include: anxiety, sweating, insomnia, rigors, pain, nausea, tremors, diarrhea, upper respiratory symptoms, piloerection, and rarely, hallucinations. Other symptoms that have been seen less frequently with Rybix ODT Orally Disintegrating Tablets® discontinuation include: panic attacks, severe anxiety, and paresthesias. Clinical experience suggests that withdrawal symptoms may be relieved by reinstitution of opioid therapy followed by a gradual, tapered dose reduction of the medication combined with symptomatic support.