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Medizinisch geprüft von Fedorchenko Olga Valeryevna, Apotheke Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26.06.2023

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Top 20 Medikamente mit den gleichen Inhaltsstoffen:

LEVOXYL (Levothyroxin-Natriumtabletten, USP) werden als ovale, farbcodierte Wirksamkeit geliefert markierte Tabletten in 11 Stärken:
Stärke (mcg) | Farbe | NDC # für Flaschen mit 100 Stück | NDC # für Flaschen mit 1000 Flaschen |
25 | Orange | NDC 60793-850-01 | NDC 60793-850-10 |
50 | Weiß | NDC 60793-851-01 | NDC 60793-851-10 |
75 | Lila | NDC 60793-852-01 | NDC 60793-852-10 |
88 | Olive | NDC 60793-853-01 | NDC 60793-853-10 |
100 | Gelb | NDC 60793-854-01 | NDC 60793-854-10 |
112 | Rose | NDC 60793-855-01 | NDC 60793-855-10 |
125 | Hellbraun | NDC 60793-856-01 | NDC 60793-856-10 |
137 | Dunkelblau | NDC 60793-857-01 | NDC 60793-857-10 |
150 | Blau | NDC 60793-858-01 | NDC 60793-858-10 |
175 | Türkis | NDC 60793-859-01 | NDC 60793-859-10 |
200 | Rosa | NDC 60793-860-01 | NDC 60793-860-10 |
20 ° - 25 ° C (68 ° - 77 ° F) mit Ausflügen zwischen 15 ° - 30 ° C (59 ° - 86 ° F). Erfüllt die USP-Auflösungstests 1 und 2.
Vertrieb durch: Pfizer Inc, New York, NY 10017. Überarbeitet: September 2014

Levothyroxin-Natrium wird für die folgenden Indikationen verwendet:
Als Ersatz oder ergänzende Therapie bei angeborener oder erworbener Hypothyreose einer Ätiologie außer vorübergehender Hypothyreose während der Erholungsphase der subakuten Thyreoiditis. Spezifische Indikationen umfassen: primäre (Schilddrüsen-), sekundäre (Hypophyse) und tertiäre (hypothalamische) Hypothyreose und subklinische Hypothyreose. Die primäre Hypothyreose kann auf einen primären Funktionsmangel zurückzuführen sein Atrophie, teilweise oder vollständige angeborene Abwesenheit der Schilddrüse oder aufgrund der Auswirkungen einer Operation Strahlung oder Drogen mit oder ohne Anwesenheit von Kropf.
Hypophyse TSH Unterdrückung
Bei der Behandlung oder Vorbeugung verschiedener Arten von Euthyroid-Goitern (siehe WARNHINWEISE und VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN), einschließlich Schilddrüsenknoten (siehe WARNHINWEISE und VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN), subakut oder chronische lymphozytische Schilddrüsenentzündung (Hashimotos Thyreoiditis), multinodulärer Kropf (siehe WARNHINWEISE und VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN) und als Ergänzung zur Chirurgie und Radiojodtherapie bei der Behandlung von Thyrotropin-abhängiger, gut differenzierter Schilddrüsenkrebs.

Allgemeine Grundsätze
Ziel der Ersatztherapie ist es, einen klinischen und biochemischen Euthyreoidzustand zu erreichen und aufrechtzuerhalten. Ziel der unterdrückenden Therapie ist es, das Wachstum und / oder die Funktion von abnormalem Schilddrüsengewebe zu hemmen. Das Die LEVOXYL-Dosis, die zur Erreichung dieser Ziele ausreicht, hängt von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren ab, einschließlich der Alter, Körpergewicht, Herz-Kreislauf-Status der Patientin, damit einhergehende Erkrankungen, einschließlich Schwangerschaft, Begleitmedikamente und die spezifische Art der behandelten Erkrankung (siehe WARNHINWEISE und VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN). Daher dienen die folgenden Empfehlungen nur als Dosierungsrichtlinien. Dosierung muss individuell angepasst und Anpassungen vorgenommen werden, die auf einer regelmäßigen Beurteilung der klinischen Behandlung des Patienten beruhen Reaktions- und Laborparameter (siehe VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN, Labortests).
Das LEVOXYL sollte morgens auf leeren Magen mindestens eine halbe Stunde vor jedem eingenommen werden Essen wird gegessen. LEVOXYL sollte mindestens 4 Stunden eingenommen werden, abgesehen von Arzneimitteln, von denen bekannt ist, dass sie stören mit seiner Absorption (siehe VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN , Drogeninteraktionen ).
LEVOXYL sollte zusammen mit Wasser eingenommen werden (siehe PATIENTE INFORMATIONEN und NEBENWIRKUNGEN).
Aufgrund der langen Halbwertszeit von Levothyroxin ist die maximale therapeutische Wirkung bei einer bestimmten Levothyroxin-Dosis Natrium kann 4 - 6 Wochen lang nicht erreicht werden.
Bei der Verabreichung von LEVOXYL an Patienten mit zugrunde liegendem Herz-Kreislauf-Verhältnis ist Vorsicht geboten Krankheit für ältere Menschen und für Menschen mit gleichzeitiger Nebenniereninsuffizienz (siehe VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN).
Spezifische Patientenpopulationen
Hypothyreose bei Erwachsenen und bei Kindern, bei denen Wachstum und Pubertät vollständig sind (siehe WARNHINWEISE und VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN, Labortests)
Die Therapie kann bei ansonsten gesunden Personen unter 50 Jahren und bei vollen Ersatzdosen beginnen bei Personen über 50 Jahren, die kürzlich wegen Hyperthyreose behandelt wurden oder die es waren Schilddrüse nur für kurze Zeit (z. B. einige Monate). Die durchschnittliche vollständige Ersatzdosis von Levothyroxin-Natrium beträgt ungefähr 1,7 µg / kg / Tag (z., 100 - 125 µg / Tag für einen Erwachsenen von 70 kg). Ältere Patienten benötigen möglicherweise weniger als 1 µg / kg / Tag. Levothyroxin-Natrium-Dosen größer als 200 mcg / Tag werden selten benötigt. Eine unzureichende Reaktion auf Tagesdosen ≥ 300 µg / Tag ist selten und kann weisen auf eine schlechte Compliance, Malabsorption und / oder Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Medikamenten hin.
Für die meisten Patienten über 50 Jahre oder für Patienten unter 50 Jahren mit zugrunde liegendem Herz Krankheit, eine anfängliche Anfangsdosis von 25 - 50 µg / Tag von Levothyroxin-Natrium wird empfohlen, mit nach Bedarf schrittweise Dosiserhöhungen in Intervallen von 6 bis 8 Wochen. Die empfohlene Anfangsdosis von Levothyroxin-Natrium bei älteren Patienten mit Herzerkrankungen ist 12,5 - 25 µg / Tagmit allmählicher Dosis Inkremente in Intervallen von 4 bis 6 Wochen. Die Levothyroxin-Natrium-Dosis wird im Allgemeinen in 12,5 - 25 angepasst mcg-Inkremente, bis der Patient mit primärer Hypothyreose klinisch euthyroid und das Serum TSH ist hat normalisiert.
Bei Patienten mit schwerer Hypothyreose beträgt die empfohlene anfängliche Levothyroxin-Natrium-Dosis 12,5 - 25 mcg / Tag mit einem Anstieg von 25 µg / Tag alle 2 - 4 Wochen, begleitet von klinischem und Labor Bewertung, bis sich der TSH-Wert normalisiert hat.
Bei Patienten mit sekundärer (Hypophyse) oder tertiärer (hypothalamischer) Hypothyreose wurde das Levothyroxin Die Natriumdosis sollte titriert werden, bis der Patient klinisch eingeschwemmt ist und der Serum-Free-T-Spiegel erreicht ist in der oberen Hälfte des Normalbereichs wiederhergestellt.
Pädiatrische Dosierung - Angeborene oder erworbene Hypothyreose
Allgemeine Grundsätze
Im Allgemeinen sollte die Levothyroxin-Therapie so bald wie möglich in vollen Ersatzdosen durchgeführt werden. Verzögerungen bei der Diagnose und Einführung der Therapie können schädliche Auswirkungen auf den Intellektuellen und das Kind haben physisches Wachstum und Entwicklung.
Unterbehandlung und Überbehandlung sollten vermieden werden (siehe VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN, Pädiatrische Anwendung).
LEVOXYL kann Säuglingen und Kindern verabreicht werden, die durch Zerkleinern keine intakten Tabletten schlucken können die Tablette und Suspendierung der frisch zerkleinerten Tablette in einer kleinen Menge (5 - 10 ml oder 1 - 2 Teelöffel) von Wasser. Diese Suspension kann per Löffel oder Tropfer verabreicht werden. STORE DAS NICHT AUSSETZUNG Lebensmittel, die die Absorption von Levothyroxin verringern, wie Sojabohnen-Säuglingsnahrung. sollte nicht zur Verabreichung von Levothyroxin-Natriumtabletten verwendet werden. (siehe VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN, Droge- Lebensmittelwechselwirkungen).
Die empfohlene Anfangsdosis von Levothyroxin-Natrium bei Neugeborenen beträgt 10 - 15 µg / kg / Tag EIN. niedrigere Anfangsdosis (z.25 µg / Tag) sollten bei Säuglingen mit einem Risiko für Herzversagen berücksichtigt werden Die Dosis sollte je nach Bedarf in 4 bis 6 Wochen erhöht werden, basierend auf dem klinischen und Laborverhalten auf Behandlung. Bei Säuglingen mit sehr niedrigen (<5 µg / dl) oder nicht nachweisbaren Serum-T-Konzentrationen ist die empfohlene Anfangsdosis ist 50 µg / Tag von Levothyroxin-Natrium.
Säuglinge und Kinder
Die Levothyroxin-Therapie wird normalerweise bei vollständigen Ersatzdosen mit der empfohlenen Dosis pro begonnen Körpergewicht nimmt mit zunehmendem Alter ab (siehe TABELLE 3). Bei Kindern mit chronischen oder schweren Erkrankungen Hypothyreose, eine Anfangsdosis von 25 µg / Tag von Levothyroxin Natrium wird empfohlen mit Inkremente von 25 µg alle 2 - 4 Wochen, bis der gewünschte Effekt erzielt ist.
Die Hyperaktivität bei einem älteren Kind kann minimiert werden, wenn die Anfangsdosis ein Viertel der empfohlenen beträgt vollständige Ersatzdosis, und die Dosis wird dann wöchentlich um ein Viertel erhöht die volle empfohlene Ersatzdosis, bis die volle empfohlene Ersatzdosis erreicht ist.
Tabelle 3: Levothyroxin-Natrium-Dosierungsrichtlinien für pädiatrische Hypothyreose
ALTER | Tägliche Dosis pro kg Körpergewicht * |
0 - 3 Monate | 10 - 15 µg / kg / Tag |
3 - 6 Monate | 8 - 10 µg / kg / Tag |
6 - 12 Monate | 6 - 8 µg / kg / Tag |
1 - 5 Jahre | 5 - 6 µg / kg / Tag |
6 - 12 Jahre | 4 - 5 µg / kg / Tag |
> 12 Jahre | 2 - 3 µg / kg / Tag |
Wachstum und Pubertät abgeschlossen | 1,7 mcg / kg / Tag |
* Die Dosis sollte basierend auf dem klinischen Ansprechen und den Laborparametern angepasst werden (siehe VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN, Labortests und Pädiatrische Anwendung). |
Die Schwangerschaft kann den Levothyroxinbedarf erhöhen (siehe Schwangerschaft).
Subklinische Hypothyreose
Wenn diese Erkrankung behandelt wird, eine niedrigere Levothyroxin-Natrium-Dosis (z., 1 mcg / kg / Tag) als das für verwendet Ein vollständiger Austausch kann ausreichen, um den TSH-Spiegel im Serum zu normalisieren. Patienten, die nicht behandelt werden, sollten jährlich auf Änderungen des klinischen Status und der Schilddrüsenlaborparameter überwacht werden.
TSH-Unterdrückung bei gut differenzierten Schilddrüsenkrebs- und Schilddrüsennodulen
Das Zielniveau für die TSH-Unterdrückung unter diesen Bedingungen wurde nicht mit kontrollierter festgelegt Studien. Darüber hinaus ist die Wirksamkeit der TSH-Unterdrückung bei gutartigen Knotenerkrankungen umstritten. Daher sollte die zur TSH-Unterdrückung verwendete LEVOXYL-Dosis basierend auf der individualisiert werden spezifische Krankheit und der behandelte Patient.
Bei der Behandlung von gut differenziertem (papillärem und follikulärem) Schilddrüsenkrebs wird Levothyroxin als angewendet eine Ergänzung zur Chirurgie und Radiojodtherapie. Im Allgemeinen wird TSH auf <0,1 mU / L unterdrückt, und dies erfordert normalerweise eine Levothyroxin-Natrium-Dosis von mehr als 2 µg / kg / Tag Bei Patienten mit. Hochrisikotumoren, das Zielniveau für die TSH-Unterdrückung kann <0,01 mU / l sein
Bei der Behandlung von gutartigen Knötchen und ungiftigem mehrzähmulärem Kropf wird TSH im Allgemeinen zu a unterdrückt höheres Ziel (z.0,1 - 0,5 mU / l für Knötchen und 0,5 - 1,0 mU / l für mehrzackigen Kropf) als der verwendete zur Behandlung von Schilddrüsenkrebs. Levothyroxin-Natrium ist kontraindiziert, wenn das Serum-TSH ist bereits unterdrückt aufgrund des Risikos einer offenen Thyrotoxikose (siehe KONTRAINDIKATIONEN, WARNHINWEISE und VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN).
Myxödem Koma
Das Myxödem-Koma ist ein lebensbedrohlicher Notfall, der durch schlechte Durchblutung und Hypometabolismus gekennzeichnet ist und kann zu einer unvorhersehbaren Absorption von Levothyroxin-Natrium aus dem Magen-Darm-Trakt führen. Daher werden orale Schilddrüsenhormon-Arzneimittel zur Behandlung dieser Erkrankung nicht empfohlen. Schilddrüse Hormonprodukte, die zur intravenösen Verabreichung formuliert wurden, sollten verabreicht werden.

Levothyroxine is contraindicated in patients with untreated subclinical (suppressed serum TSH level with normal T3 and T4 levels) or overt thyrotoxicosis of any etiology and in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Levothyroxine is contraindicated in patients with uncorrected adrenal insufficiency since thyroid hormones may precipitate an acute adrenal crisis by increasing the metabolic clearance of glucocorticoids (see PRECAUTIONS ). LEVOXYL is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the inactive ingredients in LEVOXYL tablets (see DESCRIPTION, Inactive Ingredients).

Thyroid hormones, including LEVOXYL, either alone or with other therapeutic agents, should not be used for the treatment of obesity or for weight loss. In euthyroid patients, doses within the range of daily hormonal requirements are ineffective for weight reduction. Larger doses may produce serious or even life threatening manifestations of toxicity, particularly when given in association with sympathomimetic amines such as those used for their anorectic effects.
Levothyroxine sodium should not be used in the treatment of male or female infertility unless this condition is associated with hypothyroidism.
In patients with nontoxic diffuse goiter or nodular thyroid disease, particularly the elderly or those with underlying cardiovascular disease, levothyroxine sodium therapy is contraindicated if the serum TSH level is already suppressed due to the risk of precipitating overt thyrotoxicosis (see CONTRAINDICATIONS). If the serum TSH level is not suppressed, LEVOXYL should be used with caution in conjunction with careful monitoring of thyroid function for evidence of hyperthyroidism and clinical monitoring for potential associated adverse cardiovascular signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
Levothyroxine has a narrow therapeutic index. Regardless of the indication for use, careful dosage titration is necessary to avoid the consequences of over- or under-treatment. These consequences include, among others, effects on growth and development, cardiovascular function, bone metabolism, reproductive function, cognitive function, emotional state, gastrointestinal function, and on glucose and lipid metabolism. Many drugs interact with levothyroxine sodium necessitating adjustments in dosing to maintain therapeutic response (see DRUG INTERACTIONS).
Effects On Bone Mineral Density
In women, long-term levothyroxine sodium therapy has been associated with decreased bone mineral density, especially in postmenopausal women on greater than replacement doses or in women who are receiving suppressive doses of levothyroxine sodium. Therefore, it is recommended that patients receiving levothyroxine sodium be given the minimum dose necessary to achieve the desired clinical and biochemical response.
Patients With Underlying Cardiovascular Disease
Exercise caution when administering levothyroxine to patients with cardiovascular disorders and to the elderly in whom there is an increased risk of occult cardiac disease. In these patients, levothyroxine therapy should be initiated at lower doses than those recommended in younger individuals or in patients without cardiac disease (see WARNINGS; PRECAUTIONS, Geriatric Use; and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ). If cardiac symptoms develop or worsen, the levothyroxine dose should be reduced or withheld for one week and then cautiously restarted at a lower dose. Overtreatment with levothyroxine sodium may have adverse cardiovascular effects such as an increase in heart rate, cardiac wall thickness, and cardiac contractility and may precipitate angina or arrhythmias. Patients with coronary artery disease who are receiving levothyroxine therapy should be monitored closely during surgical procedures, since the possibility of precipitating cardiac arrhythmias may be greater in those treated with levothyroxine. Concomitant administration of levothyroxine and sympathomimetic agents to patients with coronary artery disease may precipitate coronary insufficiency.
Patients With Nontoxic Diffuse Goiter Or Nodular Thyroid Disease
Exercise caution when administering levothyroxine to patients with nontoxic diffuse goiter or nodular thyroid disease in order to prevent precipitation of thyrotoxicosis (see WARNINGS ). If the serum TSH is already suppressed, levothyroxine sodium should not be administered (see CONTRAINDICATIONS).
Associated Endocrine disorders
Hypothalamic/Pituitary Hormone Deficiencies
In patients with secondary or tertiary hypothyroidism, additional hypothalamic/pituitary hormone deficiencies should be considered, and, if diagnosed, treated (see PRECAUTIONS, Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome) for adrenal insufficiency.
Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome
Occasionally, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis may occur in association with other autoimmune disorders such as adrenal insufficiency, pernicious anemia, and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Patients with concomitant adrenal insufficiency should be treated with replacement glucocorticoids prior to initiation of treatment with levothyroxine sodium. Failure to do so may precipitate an acute adrenal crisis when thyroid hormone therapy is initiated, due to increased metabolic clearance of glucocorticoids by thyroid hormone. Patients with diabetes mellitus may require upward adjustments of their antidiabetic therapeutic regimens when treated with levothyroxine (see PRECAUTIONS, DRUG INTERACTIONS).
Other Associated Medical Conditions
Infants with congenital hypothyroidism appear to be at increased risk for other congenital anomalies, with cardiovascular anomalies (pulmonary stenosis, atrial septal defect, and ventricular septal defect,) being the most common association.
Laboratory Tests
The diagnosis of hypothyroidism is confirmed by measuring TSH levels using a sensitive assay (second generation assay sensitivity ≤0.1 mIU/L or third generation assay sensitivity ≤0.01 mIU/L) and measurement of free-T4.
The adequacy of therapy is determined by periodic assessment of appropriate laboratory tests and clinical evaluation. The choice of laboratory tests depends on various factors including the etiology of the underlying thyroid disease, the presence of concomitant medical conditions, including pregnancy, and the use of concomitant medications (see PRECAUTIONS, DRUG INTERACTIONS and Drug- Laboratory Test Interactions). Persistent clinical and laboratory evidence of hypothyroidism despite an apparent adequate replacement dose of LEVOXYL may be evidence of inadequate absorption, poor compliance, drug interactions, or decreased T4 potency of the drug product.
In adult patients with primary (thyroidal) hypothyroidism, serum TSH levels (using a sensitive assay) alone may be used to monitor therapy. The frequency of TSH monitoring during levothyroxine dose titration depends on the clinical situation but it is generally recommended at 6 - 8 week intervals until normalization. For patients who have recently initiated levothyroxine therapy and whose serum TSH has normalized or in patients who have had their dosage or brand of levothyroxine changed, the serum TSH concentration should be measured after 8 - 12 weeks. When the optimum replacement dose has been attained, clinical (physical examination) and biochemical monitoring may be performed every 6 - 12 months, depending on the clinical situation, and whenever there is a change in the patient's status. It is recommended that a physical examination and a serum TSH measurement be performed at least annually in patients receiving LEVOXYL (see WARNINGS , PRECAUTIONS, and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ).
In patients with congenital hypothyroidism, the adequacy of replacement therapy should be assessed by measuring both serum TSH (using a sensitive assay) and total- or free- T4. During the first three years of life, the serum total- or free- T4 should be maintained at all times in the upper half of the normal range. While the aim of therapy is to also normalize the serum TSH level, this is not always possible in a small percentage of patients, particularly in the first few months of therapy. TSH may not normalize due to a resetting of the pituitary-thyroid feedback threshold as a result of in utero hypothyroidism. Failure of the serum T to increase into the upper half of the normal range within 2 weeks of initiation of LEVOXYL therapy and/or of the serum TSH to decrease below 20 mU/L within 4 weeks should alert the physician to the possibility that the child is not receiving adequate therapy. Careful inquiry should then be made regarding compliance, dose of medication administered, and method of administration prior to raising the dose of LEVOXYL.
The recommended frequency of monitoring of TSH and total or free T4 in children is as follows: at 2 and 4 weeks after the initiation of treatment; every 1 - 2 months during the first year of life; every 2 - 3 months between 1 and 3 years of age; and every 3 to 12 months thereafter until growth is completed. More frequent intervals of monitoring may be necessary if poor compliance is suspected or abnormal values are obtained. It is recommended that TSH and T4 levels, and a physical examination, if indicated, be performed 2 weeks after any change in LEVOXYL dosage. Routine clinical examination, including assessment of mental and physical growth and development, and bone maturation, should be performed at regular intervals (see PRECAUTIONS, Pediatric Use and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION).
Secondary (Pituitary) And Tertiary (Hypothalamic) Hypothyroidism
Adequacy of therapy should be assessed by measuring serum free-T4 levels ,which should be maintained in the upper half of the normal range in these patients.
Drug-Food Interactions
Consumption of certain foods may affect levothyroxine absorption thereby necessitating adjustments in dosing. Soybean flour (infant formula), cotton seed meal, walnuts, and dietary fiber may bind and decrease the absorption of levothyroxine sodium from the GI tract.
Drug-Laboratory Test Interactions
Changes in TBG concentration must be considered when interpreting T4 and T3 values, which necessitates measurement and evaluation of unbound (free) hormone and/or determination of the free T4 index (FT4I). Pregnancy, infectious hepatitis, estrogens, estrogen-containing oral contraceptives, and acute intermittent porphyria increase TBG concentrations. Decreases in TBG concentrations are observed in nephrosis, severe hypoproteinemia, severe liver disease, acromegaly, and after androgen or corticosteroid therapy (see also Table 2). Familial hyper- or hypo-thyroxine binding globulinemias have been described, with the incidence of TBG deficiency approximating 1 in 9000.
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, And Impairment Of Fertility
Animal studies have not been performed to evaluate the carcinogenic potential, mutagenic potential or effects on fertility of levothyroxine. The synthetic T4 in LEVOXYL is identical to that produced naturally by the human thyroid gland. Although there has been a reported association between prolonged thyroid hormone therapy and breast cancer, this has not been confirmed. Patients receiving LEVOXYL for appropriate clinical indications should be titrated to the lowest effective replacement dose.
Category A
Studies in women taking levothyroxine sodium during pregnancy have not shown an increased risk of congenital abnormalities. Therefore, the possibility of fetal harm appears remote. LEVOXYL should not be discontinued during pregnancy and hypothyroidism diagnosed during pregnancy should be promptly treated.
Hypothyroidism during pregnancy is associated with a higher rate of complications, including spontaneous abortion, pre-eclampsia, stillbirth and premature delivery. Maternal hypothyroidism may have an adverse effect on fetal and childhood growth and development. During pregnancy, serum T4 levels may decrease and serum TSH levels increase to values outside the normal range. Since elevations in serum TSH may occur as early as 4 weeks gestation, pregnant women taking LEVOXYL should have their TSH measured during each trimester. An elevated serum TSH level should be corrected by an increase in the dose of LEVOXYL. Since postpartum TSH levels are similar to preconception values, the LEVOXYL dosage should return to the pre-pregnancy dose immediately after delivery. A serum TSH level should be obtained 6 - 8 weeks postpartum.
Thyroid hormones do not readily cross the placental barrier; however, some transfer does occur as evidenced by levels in cord blood of athyreotic fetuses being approximately one-third maternal levels. Transfer of thyroid hormone from the mother to the fetus, however, may not be adequate to prevent in utero hypothyroidism.
Nursing Mothers
Although thyroid hormones are excreted only minimally in human milk, caution should be exercised when LEVOXYL is administered to a nursing woman. However, adequate replacement doses of levothyroxine are generally needed to maintain normal lactation.
Pediatric Use
The goal of treatment in pediatric patients with hypothyroidism is to achieve and maintain normal intellectual and physical growth and development.
The initial dose of levothyroxine varies with age and body weight (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION, Table 3). Dosing adjustments are based on an assessment of the individual patient's clinical and laboratory parameters (see PRECAUTIONS, Laboratory Tests). In children in whom a diagnosis of permanent hypothyroidism has not been established, it is recommended that levothyroxine administration be discontinued for a 30-day trial period, but only after the child is at least 3 years of age. Serum T4 and TSH levels should then be obtained. If the T4 is low and the TSH high, the diagnosis of permanent hypothyroidism is established, and levothyroxine therapy should be reinstituted. If the T4 and TSH levels are normal, euthyroidism may be assumed and, therefore, the hypothyroidism can be considered to have been transient. In this instance, however, the physician should carefully monitor the child and repeat the thyroid function tests if any signs or symptoms of hypothyroidism develop. In this setting, the clinician should have a high index of suspicion of relapse. If the results of the levothyroxine withdrawal test are inconclusive, careful follow-up and subsequent testing will be necessary.
Since some more severely affected children may become clinically hypothyroid when treatment is discontinued for 30 days, an alternate approach is to reduce the replacement dose of levothyroxine by half during the 30-day trial period. If, after 30 days, the serum TSH is elevated above 20 mU/L, the diagnosis of permanent hypothyroidism is confirmed, and full replacement therapy should be resumed. However, if the serum TSH has not risen to greater than 20mU/L, levothyroxine treatment should be discontinued for another 30-day trial period followed by repeat serum T4 and TSH.
The presence of concomitant medical conditions should be considered in certain clinical circumstances and, if present, appropriately treated (see PRECAUTIONS).
Congenital Hypothyroidism
Rapid restoration of normal serum T4 concentrations is essential for preventing the adverse effects of congenital hypothyroidism on intellectual development as well as on overall physical growth and maturation. Therefore, LEVOXYL therapy should be initiated immediately upon diagnosis and is generally continued for life.
During the first 2 weeks of LEVOXYL therapy, infants should be closely monitored for cardiac overload, arrhythmias, and aspiration from avid suckling.
The patient should be monitored closely to avoid undertreatment or overtreatment. Undertreatment may have deleterious effects on intellectual development and linear growth. Overtreatment has been associated with craniosynostosis in infants, and may adversely affect the tempo of brain maturation and accelerate the bone age with resultant premature closure of the epiphyses and compromised adult stature.
Acquired Hypothyroidism In Pediatric Patients
The patient should be monitored closely to avoid undertreatment and overtreatment. Undertreatment may result in poor school performance due to impaired concentration and slowed mentation and in reduced adult height. Overtreatment may accelerate the bone age and result in premature epiphyseal closure and compromised adult stature.
Treated children may manifest a period of catch-up growth, which may be adequate in some cases to normalize adult height. In children with severe or prolonged hypothyroidism, catch-up growth may not be adequate to normalize adult height.
Geriatric Use
Because of the increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease among the elderly, levothyroxine therapy should not be initiated at the full replacement dose (see WARNINGS , PRECAUTIONS, and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION).

LEVOXYL should be taken with water (see PATIENT INFORMATION and ADVERSE REACTIONS).
Due to the long half-life of levothyroxine, the peak therapeutic effect at a given dose of levothyroxine sodium may not be attained for 4 - 6 weeks.
Caution should be exercised when administering LEVOXYL to patients with underlying cardiovascular disease, to the elderly, and to those with concomitant adrenal insufficiency (see PRECAUTIONS).
Specific Patient Populations
Hypothyroidism in Adults and in Children in Whom Growth and Puberty are Complete (see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS, Laboratory Tests)
Therapy may begin at full replacement doses in otherwise healthy individuals less than 50 years old and in those older than 50 years who have been recently treated for hyperthyroidism or who have been hypothyroid for only a short time (such as a few months). The average full replacement dose of levothyroxine sodium is approximately 1.7 mcg/kg/day (e.g., 100 - 125 mcg/day for a 70 kg adult). Older patients may require less than 1 mcg/kg/day. Levothyroxine sodium doses greater than 200 mcg/day are seldom required. An inadequate response to daily doses ≥300 mcg/day is rare and may indicate poor compliance, malabsorption, and/or drug interactions.
For most patients older than 50 years or for patients under 50 years of age with underlying cardiac disease, an initial starting dose of 25 - 50 mcg/day of levothyroxine sodium is recommended, with gradual increments in dose at 6 - 8 week intervals, as needed. The recommended starting dose of levothyroxine sodium in elderly patients with cardiac disease is 12.5 - 25 mcg/day, with gradual dose increments at 4 - 6 week intervals. The levothyroxine sodium dose is generally adjusted in 12.5 - 25 mcg increments until the patient with primary hypothyroidism is clinically euthyroid and the serum TSH has normalized.
In patients with severe hypothyroidism, the recommended initial levothyroxine sodium dose is 12.5 - 25 mcg/day with increases of 25 mcg/day every 2 - 4 weeks, accompanied by clinical and laboratory assessment, until the TSH level is normalized.
In patients with secondary (pituitary) or tertiary (hypothalamic) hypothyroidism, the levothyroxine sodium dose should be titrated until the patient is clinically euthyroid and the serum free-T level is restored to the upper half of the normal range.
Pediatric Dosage - Congenital Or Acquired Hypothyroidism
(see PRECAUTIONS, Laboratory Tests)
General Principles
In general, levothyroxine therapy should be instituted at full replacement doses as soon as possible. Delays in diagnosis and institution of therapy may have deleterious effects on the child's intellectual and physical growth and development.
Undertreatment and overtreatment should be avoided (see PRECAUTIONS, Pediatric Use).
LEVOXYL may be administered to infants and children who cannot swallow intact tablets by crushing the tablet and suspending the freshly crushed tablet in a small amount (5 - 10 mL or 1 - 2 teaspoons) of water. This suspension can be administered by spoon or dropper. DO NOT STORE THE SUSPENSION. Foods that decrease absorption of levothyroxine, such as soybean infant formula, should not be used for administering levothyroxine sodium tablets. (see PRECAUTIONS, Drug- Food Interactions).
The recommended starting dose of levothyroxine sodium in newborn infants is 10 - 15 mcg/kg/day. A lower starting dose (e.g., 25 mcg/day) should be considered in infants at risk for cardiac failure, and the dose should be increased in 4 - 6 weeks as needed based on clinical and laboratory response to treatment. In infants with very low (< 5 mcg/dL) or undetectable serum T concentrations, the recommended initial starting dose is 50 mcg/day of levothyroxine sodium.
Infants and Children
Levothyroxine therapy is usually initiated at full replacement doses, with the recommended dose per body weight decreasing with age (see TABLE 3). However, in children with chronic or severe hypothyroidism, an initial dose of 25 mcg/day of levothyroxine sodium is recommended with increments of 25 mcg every 2 - 4 weeks until the desired effect is achieved.
Hyperactivity in an older child can be minimized if the starting dose is one-fourth of the recommended full replacement dose, and the dose is then increased on a weekly basis by an amount equal to one-fourth the full recommended replacement dose until the full recommended replacement dose is reached.
Table 3: Levothyroxine Sodium Dosing Guidelines for Pediatric Hypothyroidism
AGE | Daily Dose Per Kg Body Weight* |
0 - 3 months | 10 - 15 mcg/kg/day |
3 - 6 months | 8 - 10 mcg/kg/day |
6 - 12 months | 6 - 8 mcg/kg/day |
1 - 5 years | 5 - 6 mcg/kg/day |
6 - 12 years | 4 - 5 mcg/kg/day |
>12 years | 2 - 3 mcg/kg/day |
Growth and puberty complete | 1.7 mcg/kg/day |
*The dose should be adjusted based on clinical response and laboratory parameters (see PRECAUTIONS, Laboratory Tests and Pediatric Use). |
Pregnancy may increase levothyroxine requirements (see Pregnancy).
Subclinical Hypothyroidism
If this condition is treated, a lower levothyroxine sodium dose (e.g., 1 mcg/kg/day) than that used for full replacement may be adequate to normalize the serum TSH level. Patients who are not treated should be monitored yearly for changes in clinical status and thyroid laboratory parameters.
TSH Suppression In Well-Differentiated Thyroid Cancer And Thyroid Nodules
The target level for TSH suppression in these conditions has not been established with controlled studies. In addition, the efficacy of TSH suppression for benign nodular disease is controversial. Therefore, the dose of LEVOXYL used for TSH suppression should be individualized based on the specific disease and the patient being treated.
In the treatment of well differentiated (papillary and follicular) thyroid cancer, levothyroxine is used as an adjunct to surgery and radioiodine therapy. Generally, TSH is suppressed to <0.1 mU/L, and this usually requires a levothyroxine sodium dose of greater than 2 mcg/kg/day. However, in patients with high-risk tumors, the target level for TSH suppression may be <0.01 mU/L.
In the treatment of benign nodules and nontoxic multinodular goiter, TSH is generally suppressed to a higher target (e.g., 0.1 - 0.5 mU/L for nodules and 0.5 - 1.0 mU/L for multinodular goiter) than that used for the treatment of thyroid cancer. Levothyroxine sodium is contraindicated if the serum TSH is already suppressed due to the risk of precipitating overt thyrotoxicosis (see CONTRAINDICATIONS, WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS).
Myxedema Coma
Myxedema coma is a life-threatening emergency characterized by poor circulation and hypometabolism, and may result in unpredictable absorption of levothyroxine sodium from the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, oral thyroid hormone drug products are not recommended to treat this condition. Thyroid hormone products formulated for intravenous administration should be administered.
LEVOXYL (levothyroxine sodium tablets, USP) are supplied as oval, color-coded, potency marked tablets in 11 strengths:
Strength (mcg) | Color | NDC # for bottles of 100 | NDC # for bottles of 1000 |
25 | Orange | NDC 60793-850-01 | NDC 60793-850-10 |
50 | White | NDC 60793-851-01 | NDC 60793-851-10 |
75 | Purple | NDC 60793-852-01 | NDC 60793-852-10 |
88 | Olive | NDC 60793-853-01 | NDC 60793-853-10 |
100 | Yellow | NDC 60793-854-01 | NDC 60793-854-10 |
112 | Rose | NDC 60793-855-01 | NDC 60793-855-10 |
125 | Light Brown | NDC 60793-856-01 | NDC 60793-856-10 |
137 | Dark Blue | NDC 60793-857-01 | NDC 60793-857-10 |
150 | Blue | NDC 60793-858-01 | NDC 60793-858-10 |
175 | Turquoise | NDC 60793-859-01 | NDC 60793-859-10 |
200 | Pink | NDC 60793-860-01 | NDC 60793-860-10 |
Storage Conditions
20° - 25°C (68° - 77°F) with excursions permitted between 15° - 30°C (59° - 86°F). Meets USP Dissolution Tests 1 and 2.
Distributed by: Pfizer Inc, New York, NY 10017. Revised: Sep 2014
Side Effects & Drug InteractionsSIDE EFFECTS
Adverse reactions associated with levothyroxine therapy are primarily those of hyperthyroidism due to therapeutic overdosage. They include the following:
General: fatigue, increased appetite, weight loss, heat intolerance, fever, excessive sweating;
Central nervous system: headache, hyperactivity, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, emotional lability, insomnia;
Musculoskeletal: tremors, muscle weakness;
Cardiac: palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmias, increased pulse and blood pressure, heart failure, angina, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest;
Pulmonary: dyspnea;
GI: diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps;
Dermatologic: hair loss, flushing;
Reproductive: menstrual irregularities, impaired fertility.
Pseudotumor cerebri and slipped capital femoral epiphysis have been reported in children receiving levothyroxine therapy. Overtreatment may result in craniosynostosis in infants and premature closure of the epiphyses in children with resultant compromised adult height.
Seizures have been reported rarely with the institution of levothyroxine therapy.
Inadequate levothyroxine dosage will produce or fail to ameliorate the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism.
Hypersensitivity reactions to inactive ingredients have occurred in patients treated with thyroid hormone products. These include urticaria, pruritus, skin rash, flushing, angioedema, various GI symptoms (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea), fever, arthralgia, serum sickness and wheezing. Hypersensitivity to levothyroxine itself is not known to occur.
In addition to the above events, the following have been reported, predominately when Levoxyl tablets were not taken with water: choking, gagging, tablet stuck in throat and dysphagia (see PATIENT INFORMATION).
Many drugs affect thyroid hormone pharmacokinetics and metabolism (e.g., absorption, synthesis, secretion, catabolism, protein binding, and target tissue response) and may alter the therapeutic response to LEVOXYL. In addition, thyroid hormones and thyroid status have varied effects on the pharmacokinetics and action of other drugs. A listing of drug-thyroidal axis interactions is contained in Table 2.
The list of drug-thyroidal axis interactions in Table 2 may not be comprehensive due to the introduction of new drugs that interact with the thyroidal axis or the discovery of previously unknown interactions. The prescriber should be aware of this fact and should consult appropriate reference sources. (e.g., package inserts of newly approved drugs, medical literature) for additional information if a drug-drug interaction with levothyroxine is suspected.
Table 2: Drug - Thyroidal Axis Interactions
Drug or Drug Class | Effect |
Drugs that may reduce TSH secretion -the reduction is not sustained; therefore, hypothyroidism does not occur | |
Dopamine / Dopamine Agonists Glucocorticoids Octreotide |
Use of these agents may result in a transient reduction in TSH
secretion when administered at the following doses: Dopamine (≥1 mcg/kg/min); Glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone ≥100 mg/day or equivalent); Octreotide (>100 mcg/day). |
Drugs that alter thyroid hormone secretion | |
Drugs that may decrease thyroid hormone secretion, which may result in hypothyroidism | |
Aminoglutethimide Amiodarone Iodide (including iodine-containing Radiographic contrast agents) Lithium Methimazole Propylthiouracil (PTU) Sulfonamides Tolbutamide |
Long-term lithium therapy can result in goiter in up to 50% of
patients, and either subclinical or overt hypothyroidism, each in up to 20% of patients. The fetus, neonate, elderly and euthyroid patients with underlying thyroid disease (e.g., Hashimoto's thyroiditis or with Grave's disease previously treated with radioiodine or surgery) are among those individuals who are particularly susceptible to iodineinduced hypothyroidism. Oral cholecystographic agents and amiodarone are slowly excreted, producing more prolonged hypothyroidism than parenterally administered iodinated contrast agents. Long-term aminoglutethimide therapy may minimally decrease T4 and T3 levels and increase TSH, although all values remain within normal limits in most patients. |
Drugs that may increase thyroid hormone secretion, which may result in hyperthyroidism | |
Amiodarone Iodide (including iodine-containing Radiographic contrast agents) |
Iodide and drugs that contain pharmacologic amounts of
iodide may cause hyperthyroidism in euthyroid patients with Grave's disease previously treated with antithyroid drugs or in euthyroid patients with thyroid autonomy (e.g., multinodular goiter or hyperfunctioning thyroid adenoma). Hyperthyroidism may develop over several weeks and may persist for several months after therapy discontinuation. Amiodarone may induce hyperthyroidism by causing thyroiditis. |
Drugs that may decrease T4 absorption, which may result in hypothyroidism | |
Antacids - Aluminum & Magnesium Hydroxides - Simethicone Bile Acid Sequestrants - Cholestyramine - Colestipol Calcium Carbonate Cation Exchange Resins - Kayexalate Ferrous Sulfate Orlistat Sucralfate |
Concurrent use may reduce the efficacy of levothyroxine by binding and delaying or preventing absorption, potentially resulting in hypothyroidism. Calcium carbonate may form an insoluble chelate with levothyroxine, and ferrous sulfate likely forms a ferric-thyroxine complex. Administer levothyroxine at least 4 hours apart from these agents. Patients treated concomitantly with orlistat and levothyroxine should be monitored for changes in thyroid function. |
Drugs that may alter T4 and T3 serum transport - but FT4 concentration remains normal; and, therefore, the patient remains euthyroid | |
Drugs that may increase serum TBG concentration | Drugs that may decrease serum TBG concentration |
Clofibrate Estrogen-containing oral contraceptives Estrogens (oral) Heroin / Methadone 5-Fluorouracil Mitotane Tamoxifen |
Androgens / Anabolic Steroids Asparaginase Glucocorticoids Slow-Release Nicotinic Acid |
Drugs that may cause protein-binding site displacement | |
Furosemide ( > 80 mg IV) Heparin Hydantoins Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs - Fenamates - Phenylbutazone Salicylates ( > 2 g/day) |
Administration of these agents with levothyroxine results in
an initial transient increase in FT4. Continued administration results in a decrease in serum T4 and normal FT4 and TSH concentrations and, therefore, patients are clinically euthyroid. Salicylates inhibit binding of T4 and T3 to TBG and transthyretin. An initial increase in serum FT4 is followed by return of FT4 to normal levels with sustained therapeutic serum salicylate concentrations, although total-T4 levels may decrease by as much as 30%. |
Drugs that may alter T4 and T3 metabolism | |
Drugs that may increase hepatic metabolism, which may result in hypothyroidism | |
Carbamazepine Hydantoins Phenobarbital Rifampin |
Stimulation of hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzyme
activity may cause increased hepatic degradation of levothyroxine, resulting in increased levothyroxine requirements. Phenytoin and carbamazepine reduce serum protein binding of levothyroxine, and total- and free-T4 may be reduced by 20% to 40%, but most patients have normal serum TSH levels and are clinically euthyroid. |
Drugs that may decrease T4 5'-deiodinase activity | |
Amiodarone Beta-adrenergic antagonists - (e.g., Propranolol > 160 mg/day) Glucocorticoids - (e.g., Dexamethasone > 4 mg/day) Propylthiouracil (PTU) |
Administration of these enzyme inhibitors decreases the
peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 , leading to decreased T3
levels. However, serum T4 levels are usually normal but may
occasionally be slightly increased. In patients treated with
large doses of propranolol (>160 mg/day), T3 and T4 levels
change slightly, TSH levels remain normal, and patients are
clinically euthyroid. It should be noted that actions of
particular beta-adrenergic antagonists may be impaired when
the hypothyroid patient is converted to the euthyroid state.
Short-term administration of large doses of glucocorticoids
may decrease serum T3 concentrations by 30% with minimal change in serum T4 levels. However, long-term glucocorticoid therapy may result in slightly decreased T3 and T4 levels due to decreased TBG production (see above). |
Miscellaneous | |
Anticoagulants (oral) - Coumarin Derivatives - Indandione Derivatives |
Thyroid hormones appear to increase the catabolism of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors, thereby increasing the anticoagulant activity of oral anticoagulants. Concomitant use of these agents impairs the ompensatory increases in clotting factor synthesis. Prothrombin time should be carefully monitored in patients taking levothyroxine and oral anticoagulants and the dose of anticoagulant therapy adjusted accordingly. |
Antidepressants - Tricyclics (e.g., Amitriptyline) - Tetracyclics (e.g., Maprotiline) - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs; e.g., Sertraline) |
Concurrent use of tri/tetracyclic antidepressants and
levothyroxine may increase the therapeutic and toxic effects of both drugs, possibly due to increased receptor sensitivity to catecholamines. Toxic effects may include increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias and CNS stimulation; onset of action of tricyclics may be accelerated. Administration of sertraline in patients stabilized on levothyroxine may result in increased levothyroxine requirements. |
Antidiabetic Agents - Biguanides - Meglitinides - Sulfonylureas - Thiazolidediones - Insulin |
Addition of levothyroxine to antidiabetic or insulin therapy
may result in increased antidiabetic agent or insulin
requirements. Careful monitoring of diabetic control is recommended, especially when thyroid therapy is started, changed, or discontinued. |
Cardiac Glycosides | Serum digitalis glycoside levels may be reduced in hyperthyroidism or when the hypothyroid patient is converted to the euthyroid state. Therapeutic effect of digitalis glycosides may be reduced. |
Cytokines - Interferon-α - Interleukin-2 |
Therapy with interferon-α has been associated with the
development of antithyroid microsomal antibodies in 20% of patients and some have transient hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or both. Patients who have antithyroid antibodies before treatment are at higher risk for thyroid dysfunction during treatment. Interleukin-2 has been associated with transient painless thyroiditis in 20% of patients. Interferon-β and -γ have not been reported to cause thyroid dysfunction. |
Growth Hormones - Somatrem - Somatropin |
Excessive use of thyroid hormones with growth hormones
may accelerate epiphyseal closure. However, untreated
hypothyroidism may interfere with growth response to growth hormone. |
Ketamine | Concurrent use may produce marked hypertension and
tachycardia; cautious administration to patients receiving thyroid hormone therapy is recommended. |
Methylxanthine Bronchodilators - (e.g., Theophylline) |
is achieved. |
Radiographic Agents | Thyroid hormones may reduce the uptake of 123I, 131I, and 99mTc. |
Sympathomimetics | Concurrent use may increase the effects of sympathomimetics or thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones may increase the risk of coronary insufficiency when sympathomimetic agents are administered to patients with coronary artery disease. |
Chloral Hydrate Diazepam Ethionamide Lovastatin Metoclopramide 6-Mercaptopurine Nitroprusside Para-aminosalicylate sodium Perphenazine Resorcinol (excessive topical use) Thiazide Diuretics |
These agents have been associated with thyroid hormone and / or TSH level alterations by various mechanisms. |
Oral Anticoagulants
Levothyroxine increases the response to oral anticoagulant therapy. Therefore, a decrease in the dose of anticoagulant may be warranted with correction of the hypothyroid state or when the LEVOXYL dose is increased. Prothrombin time should be closely monitored to permit appropriate and timely dosage adjustments (see Table 2).
Digitalis Glycosides
The therapeutic effects of digitalis glycosides may be reduced by levothyroxine. Serum digitalis glycoside levels may be decreased when a hypothyroid patient becomes euthyroid, necessitating an increase in the dose of digitalis glycosides (see Table 2).

Kategorie A
Studien an Frauen, die während der Schwangerschaft Levothyroxin-Natrium einnehmen, haben kein erhöhtes Risiko für gezeigt angeborene Anomalien. Daher erscheint die Möglichkeit eines fetalen Schadens gering. LEVOXYL sollte während der Schwangerschaft nicht abgesetzt werden und eine während der Schwangerschaft diagnostizierte Hypothyreose sollte sein sofort behandelt.
Hypothyreose während der Schwangerschaft ist mit einer höheren Komplikationsrate verbunden, einschließlich spontane Abtreibung, Präeklampsie, Totgeburt und vorzeitige Entbindung. Mütterliche Hypothyreose kann das Wachstum und die Entwicklung des Fötus und der Kindheit nachteilig beeinflussen. Während der Schwangerschaft Serum T4 Die Spiegel können abnehmen und die Serum-TSH-Spiegel steigen auf Werte außerhalb des normalen Bereichs. Seit Erhöhungen der Serum-TSH können bereits in der 4. Schwangerschaftswoche auftreten, schwangere Frauen nehmen LEVOXYL ein sollte ihre TSH während jedes Trimesters messen lassen. Ein erhöhter Serum-TSH-Spiegel sollte sein korrigiert durch eine Erhöhung der LEVOXYL-Dosis. Da sind postpartale TSH-Spiegel ähnlich Vorurteilwerte, die LEVOXYL-Dosierung sollte unmittelbar danach zur Vorschwangerschaftsdosis zurückkehren Lieferung. Ein Serum-TSH-Spiegel sollte 6 - 8 Wochen nach der Geburt erhalten werden.
Schilddrüsenhormone überschreiten die Plazentaschranke nicht ohne weiteres. Ein gewisser Transfer erfolgt jedoch als Dies zeigt sich daran, dass die Nabelschnurblutspiegel athyreotischer Feten ungefähr ein Drittel der Mütter betragen. Die Übertragung des Schilddrüsenhormons von der Mutter auf den Fötus ist jedoch möglicherweise nicht ausreichend, um dies zu verhindern Uterushypothyreose.

Nebenwirkungen im Zusammenhang mit der Levothyroxintherapie sind hauptsächlich solche mit Hyperthyreose aufgrund von therapeutische Überdosierung. Sie umfassen Folgendes:
Allgemeines: Müdigkeit, gesteigerter Appetit, Gewichtsverlust, Hitzeunverträglichkeit, Fieber, übermäßiges Schwitzen;
Zentralnervensystem: Kopfschmerzen, Hyperaktivität, Nervosität, Angst, Reizbarkeit, emotionale Labilität, Schlaflosigkeit;
Bewegungsapparat: Zittern, Muskelschwäche;
Herz: Herzklopfen, Tachykardie, Arrhythmien, erhöhter Puls und Blutdruck, Herzinsuffizienz, Angina, Myokardinfarkt, Herzstillstand;
Lungen: Atemnot;
GI: Durchfall, Erbrechen, Bauchkrämpfe;
Dermatologisch: Haarausfall, Spülung;
Fortpflanzung: Menstruationsstörungen, beeinträchtigte Fruchtbarkeit.
Bei Kindern, die eine Pence erhalten, wurde über Pseudotumor cerebri und eine Epiphyse des Femorus mit gerutschtem Kapital berichtet Levothyroxintherapie. Eine Überbehandlung kann bei Säuglingen zu Craniosynostose und vorzeitiger Schließung von führen die Epiphysen bei Kindern mit daraus resultierender beeinträchtigter Erwachsenengröße.
Anfälle wurden selten bei der Einrichtung einer Levothyroxin-Therapie berichtet.
Eine unzureichende Levothyroxin-Dosierung führt zu einer Verbesserung der Anzeichen und Symptome von Hypothyreose.
Bei Patienten, die mit Schilddrüse behandelt wurden, traten Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen auf inaktive Inhaltsstoffe auf Hormonprodukte. Dazu gehören Urtikaria, Juckreiz, Hautausschlag, Erröten, Angioödem und verschiedene GI Symptome (Bauchschmerzen, Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Durchfall), Fieber, Arthralgie, Serumkrankheit und keuchen. Es ist nicht bekannt, dass eine Überempfindlichkeit gegen Levothyroxin selbst auftritt.
Zusätzlich zu den oben genannten Ereignissen wurde Folgendes berichtet, vor allem bei Levoxyl-Tabletten wurden nicht mit Wasser eingenommen: Ersticken, Würgen, im Hals steckende Tablette und Dysphagie (siehe PATIENTE INFORMATIONEN).

Die Anzeichen und Symptome einer Überdosierung sind die von Hyperthyreose (siehe VORSICHTSMASSNAHMEN und NEBENWIRKUNGEN). Darüber hinaus kann Verwirrung und Orientierungslosigkeit auftreten. Zerebrale Embolie Schock, Koma und Tod wurden gemeldet. Krampfanfälle sind bei einem Kind aufgetreten, das ungefähr einnimmt 20 mg Levothyroxin. Symptome sind möglicherweise nicht unbedingt offensichtlich oder treten erst nach mehreren Tagen auf nach Einnahme von Levothyroxin-Natrium.
Behandlung von Überdosierung
Levothyroxin-Natrium sollte in der Dosis reduziert oder vorübergehend abgesetzt werden, wenn Anzeichen oder Symptome von Überdosierung auftreten.
Akute massive Überdosierung
Dies kann daher ein lebensbedrohlicher Notfall sein Eine symptomatische und unterstützende Therapie sollte sofort eingeleitet werden. Wenn nicht kontraindiziert (z., Durch Anfälle, Koma oder Verlust des Würgereflexes sollte der Magen durch Erbrechen oder Magen entleert werden Verschwendung zur Verringerung der Magen-Darm-Absorption. Aktivkohle oder Cholestyramin können ebenfalls sein verwendet, um die Absorption zu verringern. Zentrale und periphere erhöhte sympathische Aktivität können behandelt werden durch Verabreichung von B-Rezeptor-Antagonisten, z.Propranolol (1 bis 3 mg intravenös über 10- Minutenzeitraum oder oral 80 bis 160 mg / Tag). Bieten Sie bei Bedarf Atemunterstützung an. Steuerung Herzinsuffizienz; Kontrollfieber, Hypoglykämie und Flüssigkeitsverlust nach Bedarf. Glukokortikoide können verabreicht werden, um die Umwandlung von T zu hemmen4 zu T3 Weil T.4 ist hoch protein gebunden, sehr wenig Medikament wird durch Dialyse entfernt.