Method of action:
Treatment option:
Medically reviewed by Militian Inessa Mesropovna, PharmD. Last updated on 26.06.2023

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Top 20 medicines with the same components:

Bacterial infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, urinary and biliary tract, pelvic organs, skin and soft tissues, bones and joints, endocarditis, sepsis, peritonitis, otitis media, osteomyelitis, mastitis, wound, burn and postoperative infections, syphilis, gonorrhea and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to cefazolin. Prevention of surgical infections in the pre-and postoperative period.
Bacterial infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, urinary and biliary tract, pelvic organs, skin and soft tissues, bones and joints, endocarditis, sepsis, peritonitis, otitis media, osteomyelitis, mastitis, wound, burn and postoperative infections, syphilis, gonorrhea and other diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to cefazolin. Prevention of surgical infections in the pre-and postoperative period.
Sepsis, peritonitis, infectious endocarditis, infections of the respiratory tract, genitourinary system (including syphilis, gonorrhea), bones and joints. Prevention of postoperative complications.
Infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia), genitourinary system, biliary tract, pelvic organs, skin, soft tissues, bones, joints, wound, burn and postoperative endocarditis, sepsis, prevention of surgical infections in the pre-and postoperative period.

V / m, v / v jet (for 3-5 min) or drip (60-80 drops per minute). For intravenous administration — dissolve in 4-5 ml of water for injection, 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 0.25-0.5% novocaine solution, for intravenous drip administration-in 100-250 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose, for intravenous jet administration - in 10 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The dosage regimen is set individually. The average daily dose for adults is 1 g, the maximum is 6 g/day, the frequency of administration is 2 (up to 3-4) times a day. The average duration of treatment is 7-10 days. Prevention of postoperative infectious complications: 1 g 30 minutes before the operation, 0.5-1 g during the operation, 0.5-1 g every 6-8 hours for 1 day after the operation. The average daily dose for children is 20-50 mg / kg, for severe infections-up to 100 mg/kg / day. In renal insufficiency, reduce the dose or increase the intervals between injections: with Cl creatinine 35-54 ml/min-the interval between injections of 8 hours, with Cl creatinine 11-34 ml / min-1/2 single dose, the interval between injections of 12 hours, with Cl creatinine less than 10 ml/min-1/2 single dose every 18-24 hours.
In/in (jet and drip), in / m. 0.5 g 2 times a day (maximum-12 g), for the prevention of postoperative infection-1 g 30 minutes before, 0.5-1 g during and 0.5-1 g every 6-8 hours during the day after surgery, children-0.025-0.1 g/kg / day in 3-4 injections.

Hypersensitivity, including to other beta-lactam antibiotics, pregnancy, breast-feeding, neonatal period.
Hypersensitivity. Do not administer to children under 1 month of age and premature infants.

Allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock), renal failure, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis, dysbacteriosis, candidiasis, superinfection caused by resistant strains, phlebitis, pain at the injection site.
Anorexia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, changes in liver tests, neutropenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis, pseudomembranous colitis, candidiasis, skin rash, itching of the skin, genitals and anal, drug fever, eosinophilia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, phlebitis.

It has a wide range of antimicrobial action. active against gram-positive (Staphylococcus spp., Staphylococcus aureus (non-producing and penicillinase-producing, Streptococcus pneumoniae), Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bacillus anthracis, and gram-negative (Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Treponema spp., Leptospira spp.) microorganisms. Active against Haemophilus influenzae, some strains of Enterobacter and Enterococcus. Resistant-indole-positive strains of proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Serratia spp., anaerobic microorganisms, methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus spp

With the intravenous administration of 500 mg, the average concentration of the drug in the blood serum after 1 hour is 37 mcg/ml, after 8 hours-3 mcg/ml. When administered intravenously at a dose of 1 g Cmax - 185 mcg / ml, after 8 hours-4 mcg/ml. The half-life of 1.8 hours with intravenous administration. It is excreted unchanged in the urine: during the first 6 hours — about 60% of the dose, after 24 hours-70-80%. In peritoneal dialysis (2 l / h) using a solution containing ancef at a concentration of 50 mg / l and 150 mg/l, after 24 hours, the average concentration of the drug in the blood serum is 10 and 30 mcg/ml, respectively.

- Cephalosporins

It is not recommended to use simultaneously with oral anticoagulants and diuretics (furosemide, ethacric acid).
Probenecid may reduce the release of anceph.
However, we will provide data for each active ingredient