Treatment option:
Medically reviewed by Militian Inessa Mesropovna, PharmD. Last updated on 26.06.2023

Attention! Information on this page is intended only for medical professionals! Information is collected in open sources and may contain significant errors! Be careful and double-check all the information on this page!
Top 20 medicines with the same components:
Antol (Atropine)Atrosite (Atropine)Isoptoatropine 1% (Atropine)Aptropion (Atropine)Atropine Cartridge (Atropine)Atropine Sopharma (Atropine)Atropocil (Atropine)Canidiarix (Atropine,Framycetin,Sulfaguanidine)Cholspas Atropin (Atropine)Isopto AtropineIsotic Cycloma (Atropine)LomotilPhil Pharmawealth/Atlantic Atropine (Atropine)Reasec (Atropine,Diphenhydramine)Atropine (Atropine)Атропин НоваАтропина сульфата раствор для инъекций 0,1%Atropine sulfate solution for injections 0,05% (Atropine)Atropin (Atropine)AtroPen (Atropine)
Top 20 medicines with the same treatments:
Atropina (Atropine)Atropina Larjan (Atropine)Atropina Braun (Atropine)Atropina Sulfato Serra (Atropine)Atropine Apex (Atropine)Atropine Eye Drops (Atropine)Atropine Faure (Atropine)Atropine Saiph (Atropine)Atropine Sulphate Mercury (Atropine)Atropin Minims (Atropine)Atropin Stragen (Atropine)Atropinum Sulfuricum Nycomed (Atropine)Atropinum Sulfuricum WZF (Atropine)Atropt (Atropine)Atrospan (Atropine)Atrosol (Atropine)Colircusi Atropina (Atropine)Isopto Atropina (Atropine)Klonatropina (Atropine)Minims Atropine Sulphate (Atropine)
Name of the medicinal product

The description Name of the medicinal product Atrospan (Atropine)is an automatic translation from the original language.
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more...Qualitative and quantitative composition

The description Qualitative and quantitative composition Atrospan (Atropine)is an automatic translation from the original language.
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more...Therapeutic indications

The description Therapeutic indications Atrospan (Atropine)is an automatic translation from the original language.
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more...Dosage (Posology) and method of administration

The description Dosage (Posology) and method of administration Atrospan (Atropine)is an automatic translation from the original language.
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The description Contraindications Atrospan (Atropine)is an automatic translation from the original language.
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more...Undesirable effects

The description Undesirable effects Atrospan (Atropine)is an automatic translation from the original language.
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This description may contain numerous errors due to automatic translation!
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more...Pharmacodynamic properties

The description Pharmacodynamic properties Atrospan (Atropine)is an automatic translation from the original language.
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This description may contain numerous errors due to automatic translation!
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more...Pharmacotherapeutic group

The description Pharmacotherapeutic group Atrospan (Atropine)is an automatic translation from the original language.
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This description may contain numerous errors due to automatic translation!
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